A Simple Guide
Title one is a Federal program for the funding of education. Yearly meeting must be held to discuss current Title 1 programs Child care will be offered during SEP conferences if needed Services can be offered in primary household language as needed
Our PTA is always looking for help, you could… Volunteer in the Classrooms Read with students Help students complete assignments Help with fundraisers Put up bulletin boards Parent meetings Before or after school dismisses
SEP conferences Held twice a year and include evening appointments Kindergarten Orientation Back To School Night Parents are an equal part in the educational process
Davis School District has the Parent Information Resource Center Offers classes to support parenting needs Located in the Family Enrichment Center Call (801) for class information or go to the Davis School District website:
Report cards that are curriculum based are sent out every quarter SEP conferences are held twice a year to give parents information regarding student progress Parents are welcome to schedule a meeting at any time regarding student progress
Your Elementary School will support learning by: Teaching the core- curriculum Using effective teaching strategies Using differentiated teaching instructional strategies Teaching the whole child Being aware of different learning styles Providing a safe learning environment for all children to learn
Parents will support learning by: Supporting regular attendance Making sure homework is completed Volunteering in the classroom, as time permits Participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating to my child’s education Attending parent teacher conferences Keeping contact information current Communicating with the school promptly by reading all notices from the school Serving to the extent possible on advisory committees
Talk to classroom teacher or school principal Set up a meeting before or after the school day
If continuing concerns are present, please contact the district: John Zurbuchen Federal Programs Director 45 East State Street P.O. Box 588 Farmington, UT k/browse.asp?a=383&BMDRN=2000&BCOB=0&c=5 6772& Nav=|&NodeID=9176