CARBOXYLIC ACID CCCCarboxylic acid or carboxyl group - is an organic compound that contains the following functional group
CONTINUE Benzoic acid
ACIDITY OF CARBOXYLIC ACID Carboxylate ion R-COO- According to Le Châtelier’s principle, the addition of H 3 O + (low pH) should favor formation of the carboxylic acid, and removal of H 3 O + by adding base (high pH) should favor formation of the carboxylate ion Carboxylic acids react readily with strong bases to for salts
SALTS OF CARBOXYLIC ACID Carboxylic acid salts metal name goes first, -ic in acid is changed to -ate CH 3 COO - Na + Sodium acetate These salts are used in soaps and food preservatives Carboxylic ester is a compound with this functional group
CONTINUE Esterification –The process of forming an ester Ester linkage –The carbonyl carbon-oxygen single bond of the ester group
CONTINUE Condensation polymerization –The process by which monomers combine together, with the simultaneous elimination of a small molecule Carboxylic acid chloride contains -COCl Carboxylic acid anhydride contains
NAMING ESTERS Common names used most often First word of the name of an ester is the alkyl or aromatic group (R’) contributed by the alcohol Second word is the carboxylic acid name ending -ic changed to -ate
REACTIONS OF ESTERS Ester hydrolysis –The reaction of an ester with water, breaks the ester linkage and produces an alcohol and a carboxylic acid –Strong acids are often used as catalysts
CONTINUE Saponification –The basic cleavage of an ester likage –Strong bases are used for this to occur