Rights, Duties and Responsibilities of U.S. Citizens


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Presentation transcript:

Rights, Duties and Responsibilities of U.S. Citizens

Rights of U.S. Citizens Guaranteed to Americans by our Constitution, and by local and state ordinance.

Rights of U.S. Citizens Protections provided by Constitution: Freedom of Religion Freedom of Assembly To Keep and Bear Arms Freedom of Speech Freedom of the Press Protection for those Accused of Crimes

Can Your Rights Be Taken Away? Yes No Maybe

Rights of U.S. Citizens Additional Rights: Access to Public Property and Records Access to Education Public Safety Promises Travel, Make Decisions and Join Organizations Many Other Rights Mandated by the Government

Legal Duties These are actions a citizen MUST do to stay within the law.

Will you go to jail if you don’t fulfill your duties? Yes No Maybe

An American citizen MUST… Obey laws passed by Congress (federal laws) And laws passed by state and local legislatures.

An American citizen MUST… Serve as a witness if asked by the Court to do so. A witness must respond to a court-order to appear before the court, called a subpoena. “I swear to tell the truth, the whole, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.”

An American citizen MUST… Boys must register for the draft at 18 Serve in the military if called

An American citizen MUST… Serve on a jury. Employers must allow citizens to serve with no problems if asked. Citizens can be excused if they can show that serving would cause hardship.

Will you go to jail if you don’t fulfill your duties? Yes No Maybe

Civic Responsibilities These are actions a citizen should do on a voluntary basis to be a good citizen.

An American citizen SHOULD… Vote in federal, state, and local elections. The voting age in the United States is 18 according to the 26th Amendment (1971) 51% is a majority and wins the vote.

An American citizen SHOULD… Run for political office Only if he or she feels a contribution can be made. The candidate must file with the party of their choice. It takes large amounts of money to run even a local campaign.

An American citizen SHOULD… Express opinions to elected officials Citizens can write Congressional offices Making a phone call is also OK Email is possible too.

An American citizen SHOULD… Participate in civic groups such as the Lions Club, Elks, Kiwanis, American Legion, or one of the MANY others.

An American citizen SHOULD… Be familiar with the Court System. Know their rights, duties and responsibilities as citizens.

Why SHOULD you live up to your Responsibilities as a Citizen? If I don’t, who will? It makes our “community” a better place. It is important that we all make good decisions. All of the above.