UK Review Chart
Basics Multinational state (4 or 5) Unitary system No constitution Parliamentary Democracy Monarch is head of state
Political Development Gradualism Noblesse oblige Parliamentary sovereignty Constitution of the Crown Insularity
Economic Change Collective consensus Thatcherism Blair’s 3 rd Way
Political Parties Conservative Labour Liberal Democrats Scottish National Plaid Cymru Sinn Fein
Current Issues Devolution Terrorism Constitutional reform EU referendums Relationship between government & economy
Cleavages Class Region Race Religion (N. Ireland)
Elite Oxbridge Public Schools
Interest Groups Quangos TUC CBI
Executive PM-head of government Cabinet Whitehall Collective responsibility Question Time Vote of confidence
Legislative Westminster House of Commons House of Lords (makeup & responsibilities) Loyal opposition Shadow cabinet Backbenchers
Judicial Supreme Court replaces Law Lords No judicial review
Elections 5 years 1 st past the post Single districts Safe districts