U NIVERSITY OF C ALIFORNIA FBHS 11 th Grade Advisory Fall, 2013
W HAT IS IT ? The University of California offers students a full range of academic disciplines on campuses that extend from UC Davis to UC San Diego. UCSF is a health sciences center for graduate students only. All campuses have distinguished facilities, excellent libraries, research laboratories and high academic standards. At the same time, each campus has its own distinctive character, style and atmosphere. A UC education will not only prepare you for the career or profession you want to follow, but will also give you the knowledge and understanding to respond creatively to the challenge of tomorrow’s society.
G ENERAL R EQUIREMENTS High School Graduate Subject Requirements – A-G Listed on your 4-Year planning sheets SAT/ACT tests Juniors begin taking SAT/ACT in May & June GPA Computed in eligibility index which is a computation of SAT/ACT and GPA 3.0 Minimum
W HEN YOU ’ VE CHOSEN A CAMPUS …. You should check freshmen class profile. You should investigate specific requirements for that UC campus. Request information from the campus. Schedule a campus tour (try to go when college is in session). Talk to your school counselor.
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