Capital Improvement Program City of Snoqualmie Public Works Department
Program Goals Ultimate goal of program Develop strategies for identification and implementation Relationship to other projects Budgeting of projects Source of funding High-level scheduling
Program Communications Describe the project in non-technical terms. Develop web based systems Develop Capital Projects Committee Requires council policy Budget compatibility
Current Planning Efforts Snoqualmie Master Plan Broad scope including zoning, defining street improvement elements, sign code, parking systems and project development. Snoqualmie Stormwater Plan Utility programming Hydraulic – what, where, how.
Current Transportation Projects Tokul Road Improvements 90% Design – Submittal to WSDOT for approvals Environmental Permitting March 15 bid date Relationship to revenue bond projects as cut materials to be placed in decommissioned lagoons.
Transportation Projects Fisher Avenue Signal Design completed with approvals. Preparing bid and spec documents. Silva Avenue Reconstruction 90% design – VE completed, final bid and spec documents under development Kimball Creek Development Signal design and intersection improvements
Transportation Projects Meadowbrook Way Bridges Critical bridge replacement with box culverts. King County engineering services 10k in 2008 for geotech, surveying and pre-design report. Snoqualmie Ridge Projects Hospital/BCC campus transportation impacts.
Current Utility Projects Revenue Bond Projects Water and Sewer Improvements Canyon Springs Improvements Contractor on site – 3 months South Well Field Improvements Developer driven. Provide treatment for 400 gallons per minute Start-up and acceptance
Utility Projects Kimball Creek Sewer Pump Station Third pump and electrical improvements – Under design Bid scheduled for May 1 st. WWTP – Solids Handling Priority Project – Ecology requirements Working with Quadrant on final process development Lagoon Decommissioning – critical path Ecology Approvals
Utility Projects South Snoqualmie Hills Sewer Schedule C design underway – Perteet Requires side sewer elevation survey Very difficult pipeline installation Olmstead Alley has encroachments Stormwater Comprehensive Plan Scheduling public meeting Kimball Creek Basin – Critical area
Other Current Projects Request for Qualifications Town Center Improvements – EDA Revenue Bond Utility Improvements Lagoon Decommissioning Puget Sound Energy FERC project City permitting, impacts with ongoing city projects
Other Current Projects New City Hall Council call for bids February 14 th Harris and Associates – City Rep Completed constructability review School District City/School Fleet project WWTP – Lagoon decommissioning will provide needed space – 13 acres
Other Current Projects NW Railway Museum CRC, Storage Facility and restroom SRII Build-out On-going, never ending Master Planning Downtown analysis coordinating with planning department Community Center Parks Department coordination and planning
Project Competitive Analysis Competitors Public health and welfare Strengths O & M cost benefit is positive Weaknesses Create more work Requires hardware