Putting it all together! February 3, 2010
Research Based Reading Materials $120,000.00
Professional Development for Teachers 13+ Sessions/$15,000
Curriculum Based Assessment: 15,000 Copies/$ $
Teaching a Child to Read: Priceless
Where are we?
What is the price if we don’t teach a child to read? Increased chance of high school drop-out Increased chance of unemployment Increased chance of involvement in the court system
Lesson Plans Are you using a lesson plan for reading? –If yes, are you using a specific plan for each reading group? –If yes, is the lesson plan based on assessment data? –If no, you need to begin – NOW. Most of the reading programs have a reading programs have templates of lessons plans – we will be posting on them on the website. If you are doing supplemental instruction, the lessons should be based on the supplemental skills that you are targeting. If you need help developing a lesson plan format, we will help.
Are you prepared for your lessons? Copies made? Support materials prepared? All materials (teacher & student)pulled together in one location for each reading group?
Implementation of Programs Initial Question – Core or Supplemental? Core - Is the program being done with fidelity? Supplemental – Program still needs to be done with fidelity but there is a little more flexibility? Is the student placed correctly in the program?
On-Going Assessment Do you have a schedule for on-going assessment? Have you utilized additional assessments (phonics & phonemic awareness screeners as appropriate, reading program assessments)? Have you developed an organizational system for your on- going assessment data? Are you using the data for instruction? Are you doing the on-going assessment because you are required or because you see it as a valuable tool?
Annual Review Time PLEP –Did you start the day before? or weeks before? –Does your PLEP look different than last year? Or the same? –Is the PLEP guiding your IEP? Goal & Benchmarks –Is your goal measurable? –Do your benchmarks match your data? –Will the specific benchmarks help the student learn how to read?
Now …… Evaluate Yourself – where are you at? You are the advocate for your students….. If you are not doing all of these things – it is your students that will not make gains that will allow them to close the achievement gap in reading.