Plant Id – Horticulture II
1. Parlor Palm6.01 Botanical Name – Chamaedorea elegans Growth Habit – Slow growing – Maturity height 2’tall Plant Use – Interior/ Tropical
Parlor Palm Palm-like leaves Grown for its tropical look Need good drainage Mist leaves Underwatering can cause yellowing leaves Brown leaf tips dry air need to mist
2. Amaryllis Scientific Name – Hippeastrum hybrida Grown from a bulb Popular Christmas gift Stem is hollow
Amaryllis Flower looks similar to a lily
3. Gloxinia Scientific Name Sinningia speciosa Popular gift plant Bright, indirect light or filtered light through a screen indoors
Gloxinia Large velvety- textured leaves Large tube shaped flowers Supplement the humidity in their grow rooms with pebble trays or a humidifier to grow Gloxinia year-round
4. Gladiolus Scientific Name – Gladiolus communis Gladiolus is Latin for small sword and refers to the shape of the leaves perennial corms
Gladiolus Leaves are shaped like swords Flowers on long spikes with florets Used in flower arrangements
5. Plume Asparagus Fern Scientific Name – Asparagus plumosus Compact plant with gracefully spreading branches Leaves are dark green feather-like Horizontal branchlets on wiry stems
Plume Aspargus Fern Temperature: Average warmth -- minimum 50°F at night. Constant high temperatures can be harmful. Light: Can adapt to bright or semi-shady conditions. Keep away from direct sunlight. Water: Water regularly from spring to autumn. Occasionally water from below. Water sparingly in winter. Air Humidity: Mist occasionally, especially in winter if room is heated. Repotting: Repot in spring every year. Propagation: Divide plants at any time of the year. Sow seeds in spring.
6. Croton Scientific Name – Codiaeum variegatum pictum Foliage color – Red, orange, yellow Needs high humidity
Croton Grown for their foliage Looses its brilliant color if it does not receive enough light
7. Snapdragon Scientific Name – Antirrhinum majus Perennial treated as an annual bedding plant
Snapdragon Flowers on long stalks Flower colors include white, yellow, burgundy, red, pink,orange and bronze Flowers are snappable, open- faced or double forms Used in floral designs
8. Peony Botanical name: – Paeonia sp. Grows 3-5 feet 1 leaf cut to 3 Purplish red in stems
Peony Flowers range in color from white, cream, and yellow to pink, rose and scarlet Flowers are 3” to 6” in diameter Extremely fragrant
9. Arrowhead Vine Scientific Name – Syngonium podophyllum Interior plant Keep moist Mist leaves regularly Juvenile leaf form are arrow-shape & adult leaf forms leaves become lobed
Arrowhead Vine Adult plants produces aerial roots and a moss stick makes an excellent support for the climbing plant
10. Rotundifolia Holly 6.02 Ilex crenata ‘Rotundifolia’ Roundleaf Japanese Holly Medium evergreen shrub 4-6 ft. tall, 4-6 feet wide
Rotundifolia Holly Dark green oval leaves 1” long and ½ “ wide leaves Alternate Crenate margins
11. Norway Maple Botanical name – Acer platanoides Large deciduous tree feet tall feet spread Simple, opposite, lobed leaves, 4-7 inches wide Deep green foliage that turns yellow in fall
Norway Maple Greenish-yellow flowers in early spring before it has leaves 2” to 3” winged samara fruit
12. Grape Ivy Scientific Name – Cissus rhombifolia Interior plant Vine-climbs with the aid of tendrils. Each leaf is made up of 3 leaflets 3” to 4” leaflets
Grape Ivy Hairy brown branches and shiny green leaves that have fuzzy, white undersides
13. Clematis Deciduous vine, leaf stalk twines giving the plant support Compound leaves flowers are showy, having four (sometimes five to eight) petal-like sepals (no true petals)
Clematis Flowers vary in color Often used on mailbox posts or lamp posts
14. Wintergreen Barberry Scientific Name – Berberis julianae Evergreen shrub 4-6’ tall, 2-5’ wide 2” long ¼” wide leaves Leaves alternate in rosettes
Wintergreen Barberry ½” blue-black berries 1 1/2” sharp thorns Flower yellow Fruit bluish-black Used as specimen, hedge, border, or background material, traffic control.Impenetrable because of thorns.
15. Sasanqua Camellia Scientific name – Camellia sasanqua Large evergreen shrub 7-12’ tall & 5- 7’ wide White, pink, red or variegatedflowers 1 ½” - 2”
Sasanqua Camellia Flowers in October and November Foliage glossy, dark green, alternate, 4”long FRUIT FLOWER BUD
16. Fucshia Scientific Name Fucshia hybrida Shrub with reddish twigs Bell-shaped flowers ranging from red to white Dark, glossy-green 2” - 3” leaves with reddish edges and veins
17. Sycamore Scientific Name – Platanus occidentalis Large deciduous tree – ’tall & ’wide Bark – upper, green- gray; inner, white; lower, brown-gray Peels
Sycamore 6” long and 4” wide medium-green leaves Leaves have 3 to 5 pointed lobes 1” – 1 ½” fuzzy round fruit
18. Japanese Photinia Scientific Name – Photinia glabra Common name Red Tip Large evergreen shrub 6-10’ tall & 4- 5’ wide
Japanese Photinia Red new growth Dark green 2” long 1” wide mature leaves Leave alternate
19. Southern Red Oak Scientific Name – Quercus falcata Dark green large leaves Leaves have round base 3 to 5 lobes with bristle tips
20. Japanese Boxwood Scientific Name – Buxus microphylla japonica Medium-evergreen shrub – 4-5’tall & 3-4’wide Glossy yellowish- green new leaves
Japanese Boxwood Opposite, simple, entire leaves ½” to 1” long and ¼” to ½” wide medium- green mature leaves
21. Cape Jasmine Scientific Name – Gardenia jasminoides Medium evergreen shrub 4-6’tall; 4-5’ wide Zones 8,9 interior plants elsewhere
Cape Jasmine Dark-green 3” long and 1 ½” wide leaves 3” white and very fragrant flowers
22. Ginkgo Scientific Name – Ginkgo biloba – Biloba means two- lobed Deciduous tree – 40-70’tall & ’wide
Ginkgo Bright green becoming bright yellow in fall 3” fan – shaped leaves 3” petioles Foul-smelling berries with seeds on female trees
23. Hetzi Holly Ilex crenata ‘Hetzi’ Medium evergreen shrub 4-6’ tall, 5-7’ wide 1” long and ½ “ wide leaves
Hetzi Holly Alternate and cupped leaves are dark green ¼” black berries in fall
24. Candytuft Scientific Name – Iberis sempervirens Perennial Grows 6-8” tall White 1” flowers Blooms in early spring
Candytuft Grow in sun Often used in rock gardens