West Virginia Achieves Professional Development Series Volume IX Monitoring Systems for Quality Curriculum and Instruction
West Virginia Department of Education Mission The West Virginia Department of Education, in conjunction with the Regional Education Service Agencies and the Office of Performance Audits, will create systemic conditions, processes and structures within the West Virginia public school system that result in (1) all students achieving mastery and beyond and (2) closing the achievement gap among sub-groups of the student population.
Robert Hutchins The Conflict in Education in a Democratic Society “Perhaps the greatest idea that America has given the world is education for all. The world is entitled to know whether this idea means that everybody can be educated or simply that everyone must go to school.”
What We Know… An emerging body of research identifies characteristics of high performing school systems. These school systems have made significant progress in bringing all students to mastery and in closing the achievement gap. These systems share characteristics described in The West Virginia Framework for High Performing Schools.
“He who stops being better stops being good.” -Oliver Cromwell
TWO Major Tasks… 1.Implement strategies to “catch up” students who are currently behind. 2. Build the systems that will prevent students from falling behind in the future.
Curriculum Pillar “Development of a curriculum monitoring process such as Classroom Walkthroughs to gather information for continuous improvement”
Instruction Pillar “Use of an instructional monitoring system such as walkthroughs that collects data for school and district improvement, teacher support, and school improvement.”
School Effectiveness Pillar “…a consistent district-wide school improvement process that includes: a district monitoring system that requires continuous progress and accountability for results as outlined in the school and district plans.”
Student/Parent Support Pillar “ A data-based system for monitoring student success and targeting interventions.”
Essential Question How is “Monitoring” KEY to improving student learning for ALL and closing the achievement gap?
FOCUS 1. WHAT monitoring is and is not.. 2. WHY monitoring is important… 3. HOW monitoring can realistically be implemented
Research on High Performing School Systems Schools CAN make a difference. Teachers CAN make a difference. High yield, research based instructional strategies and practices CAN make a difference.
Where there is one, there can be more than one!
(P + QT + I = ISA) Professionalism + Quality Training + Implementation + Improved Student Achievement? (P + QT + I (CPQ) + M = ISA) Professionalism + Quality Training + Implementation Consistently, Pervasively, and with Quality + Monitoring = Improved Student Achievement? YES!!!
“ Monitoring” is the critical KEY to unlocking the door to increased student achievement!
In fact, it is not uncommon for an intervention to be considered ineffective when, in fact, the intervention was only partially implemented.” “ Just because a school has provided training in a new intervention does not mean that staff members are actually using it. In fact, it is not uncommon for an intervention to be considered ineffective when, in fact, the intervention was only partially implemented.” -Robert Marzano
HOW CAN WE….. KNOW KNOW that effective instruction is taking place? KNOW KNOW what is going well, what is not going well, and what is needed to improve? ASSURE ASSURE that these high yield strategies and practices are being implemented?
THE ANSWER IS…. a process that gathers information, analyzes the information, provides feedback to the teacher(s), and results in a plan of action for continuous improvement… A SYSTEMIC MONITORING PROCESS!
STOP 1.In groups of 3 – 4, determine: *The similarities of the members of your group *The differences of the members of your group 2. Each group be prepared to share.
MONITORING VS. EVALUATION Read the selected excerpts on monitoring and, in your groups, list the ways monitoring is: 1. SIMILAR to evaluation, and 2. DIFFERENT from evaluation
Similarities of Monitoring and Evaluation Provide formative and on-going assessment Gather data to see what is and isn’t working Encourage reflection on data Measure progress Support and assistance Use a criteria Focus on improvement Encourage self-assessment Emphasize results Give feedback Involve some type of observation Promote action Have a goal to improve student achievement Results in school improvement
DIFFERENCES Between Evaluation and Monitoring EVALUATIONMONITORING PeoplePractices FormalInformal Longer timeShorter time InternalExternal/Internal AutopsyPulse
A SIMPLE DEFINITION OF MONITORING IS… the gathering of data to see what is working, what isn’t, and what is needed to improve.
STOP Individually create a metaphor (simile) that completes this sentence: “Monitoring is like ______because ________.”
WHY do we monitor? “When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another.” -Helen Keller
“What gets measured gets done.” Schools are no exception. Exemplary practices that must “get done” must be monitored and measured. All high performing school systems have a systemic process for monitoring the implementation of practices– Consistently – Pervasively - Quality
Monitoring Leads to unity of purpose Everyone is working to find solutions The focus is on “quality” rather than “just doing it” Continuous improvement for teachers as well as students is the expectation Finding effective ways to gather data on how well implementation of a particular initiative is taking place in a school will make the difference between: being adequate or exemplary … being mediocre or excellent !
Now that we know WHAT monitoring is and is not… WHY monitoring is important to student achievement…. The next question is: HOW HOW do we begin the monitoring process?
Monitoring for Success 10 Step Systemic Process 1. Clarify purpose and identify roles/responsibilities 2. Select a focus 3. Identify acceptable evidence of success 4. Determine process for gathering data 5. Identify instruments for data gathering and recording 6. Train monitors 7. Prepare staff 8. Conduct the monitoring 9. Analyze data and share results 10. Determine plan of action
HOW can it be done in a realistic way?
Classroom Walkthroughs Data in a Day Learning Walks Instructional Walks 5 x 5’s Walk Abouts Management by Walking Around
STOP Read your assigned article. In table groups, share key ideas from the articles. New “insights” about monitoring will be shared through a “Fold Over Letter”
Common Elements Short period of time (5-15 minutes) Internal and/or external teams Communication with staff Acceptable evidence Focused observations Data gathering and recording Debriefing/feedback Action plan Schoolwide picture through many small snapshots
“Michael Fullen states that the success of implementation is highly dependent on the establishment of effective ways of getting information on how well or poorly change is going in the school or classroom.” “Michael Fullen states that the success of implementation is highly dependent on the establishment of effective ways of getting information on how well or poorly change is going in the school or classroom.” Mike Schmoker, Results: the Key to Continuous School Improvement
Data Gathering Tools Checklists Rubrics Look Fors and Ask Fors Student Interviews (Ask about EQ) Anecdotal Notes Self Assessment Rubrics Palm Pilots
Walkabout…. In groups, walk around the room and write all possible responses to the questions posted on flip charts. 1. What is monitoring? 2. Why is monitoring important? 3. What are the benefits of the Classroom Walkthrough? 4. What key idea will you remember?
Essential Question At each table, reach consensus on one sentence that answers the Essential Question: “How is monitoring KEY to improving student learning for ALL and closing the achievement gap?” Be prepared to share with the whole group.
“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe!”
“The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.”