Building a Culture of Assessment Dr. Cynthia Bolton, Assistant Dean College of Education Armstrong Atlantic State University July 22, 2013 Coordinator Driven Assessment & TIP Program Improvement
(DATA DAZE?) Or, what to do with all that stuff... Data Days
Objectives: Identify some key findings Brainstorm use of data for program improvement Begin the Program Assessment Cycle TIP Survey Participants (Collect Data) Analyze Data Identify Areas for Improvement Refine Program
What is Assessment? systematically collects, compiles, aggregates, summarizes, analyzes, and uses data for program modifications and unit improvement, enhance student learning and protégé/mentor development, and inform institutional (district) decision-making, planning, budgeting, policy, public accountability.
Closing the Loop Where are participants meeting outcomes? Where they are not meeting outcomes? Are the TIP goals being met? Document decisions made to improve program and assessment plan. Refine and repeat!
Data: Review Documents Induction Coordinator Evaluation of TIP Protégé Evaluation of TIP Mentor Evaluation of TIP Quantitative data Qualitative responses Themes? Patterns? How can we use this data for informed decisions? Document how you will use the data to improve TIP at each level: (Induction Coordinator, Mentor, Protégé)
Highlighted Areas of Concern Action Plan Rated 1 st or 2 nd most important by Mentors Second only Observation of the protégé 24% of Mentors reported did not complete Action Plan, 17% N/A Comments from Mentors and Protégés reveal need for more specific information or calendar Roles & Responsibilities of TIP Induction Coordinator (15%) not discussed Mentors (16%) not discussed Training and preparation Content specific challenges (especially for SPED, Specials) Perceptions Mentor & Protégé: classroom demonstrations, planning, & assessment Validate perceptions with actual data from mentor anecdotal notes
Biggest Areas of Concern At ALL participants... Time & Timing Paperwork Mentors Selecting, Training, Matching (Content-Specific)
Celebrations 97% of Mentors rated observation of Protégés at Very or Extremely Valuable Overwhelming for Protégés and Mentors: TIP Program is impacting Protégé development and understanding to a Moderate or Great Extent:Protégés Mentors Content knowledge 70% 93% Instructional strategies84%97% Create environment74%95% Classroom management74%89% Reflection78%95%
Celebrations 92% ranked Support from Induction Program Coordinators as Very or Extremely Valuable. Big shout out to Deonn Stone and Lisa Ruffo! 85% of Protégés overall satisfaction with current position (50% Very; 35% Somewhat). 78% of Mentors would serve again. 72% of Induction Coordinators would serve again.