BUHACH COLONY HIGH SCHOOL International Baccalaureate Candidate School Home of the Superintendent’s Cup Award
Pre-university diploma Utilizes international standards Based on an integrated curriculum Values ‘global mindedness’ IB classes offered Junior & Senior
Founded in 1968, The International Baccalaureate Organization works with over 3300 schools in 141 countries to develop and offer challenging academic programs to over one million students. The IB encourages students to be active learners, well-rounded individuals and engaged world citizens. The IB program first came to the United States in 1974 after success in recognizing European scholars. Today, there are 1335 IB schools in the United States, 131 in California. Since 2007, IB schools have made up more than one third of the top 100 Newsweek’s annual list of “America’s Best High Schools”.
Buhach Colony High School applied to become an IB school in Spring Received approval as an IB CANDIDATE SCHOOL July As a candidate school, we are currently assigned an IB Consultant to work with the site to develop action plan and complete trainings. BCHS will apply for IB Authorization for Fall 2013
There are four main requirements for the IB Diploma:- Six academic subjects The Extended Essay Theory of Knowledge Course CAS - Creativity, Action and Service elements
Group 1. Language A (usually mother tongue) Group 2. (Second) Language B (foreign language at various levels) Group 3. Individuals and Societies Group 4. Sciences Group 5. Mathematics - at various levels Group 6. Elective subjects or duplication of a subject from groups 2,3 or 4
CREATIVITY : Includes the Arts and other creative activities. ACTION : Participation in expeditions, team and individual sports and physical training. SERVICE : Represents community or social service activities
A dynamic, interdisciplinary, linking-course which challenges students and teachers to reflect critically on diverse ways of knowing and areas of knowledge and to consider the role that knowledge plays in a global society. ‘TOK’ encourages students to become aware of themselves as thinkers, to become aware of the complexity of knowledge, and to recognize the need to act responsibly in an increasingly interconnected world.
Both Internal and External using of established grading criteria Multiple Methods of Assessment for each course Varied skills tested across disciplines Balance between independent and teacher supervised work Students maintain control over many aspects of assessment
The International Baccalaureate uses multiple assessment methods to measure student achievement in all its courses. The underlying philosophy is to allow students choice, and to give them an opportunity to demonstrate what they know, rather than find out what they don't know
IB Diploma Requirements Each of the 6 exam/assessments are scored with a point value of 1-7 One additional point can be earned for TOK, CAS and Extended essay Total of 24 points must be earned to receive an IB diploma – no score lower than a 2 in any area
Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12 Pre AP English 2English Language A AP US HistoryHistory of Americas20th Century/Route 2 Chemistry or Physics IB Biology Geometry, Algebra II, or Pre- Cal IB Math SL or IB Math Studies IB Math SL or Physics Or Chemistry Spanish 2IB Language B (Spanish) IB Language B (Spanish) or Theatre or Psychology PE or AthleticsElective &Theory of Knowledge Theory of Knowledge *Athletics/Band/ Elective *Athletics/Band/ Elective
Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12 Pre AP English 1 Pre AP English 2 English Language A Advanced World History AP US HistoryHistory of Americas 20th Century/Route 2 Biology Chemistry or Physics IB Biology Algebra 1 or Geometry Geometry, Algebra II, or Pre-Cal IB Math SL or IB Math Studies IB Math SL or Physics Or Chemistry Spanish 1 Spanish 2IB Language B (Spanish) IB Language B (Spanish) or Theatre or Psychology PE or Athletics Elective &Theory of Knowledge Theory of Knowledge Elective ~ Waive geo/health or require in summer school Elective*Athletics/Band/ Elective *Athletics/Band/ Elective