O to 8 Mental Health Collaborative Update and Work Highlights Revised October 2012
Organizations working together to develop a multi-disciplinary, qualified and supported workforce and a more responsive service system to promote the social and emotional wellbeing of all pregnant women and young children, with particular attention to children with special needs, challenging behaviors and children impacted by family mental health issues.
All trainings are related to State recognized Infant- Family Early Childhood Mental Health competencies Participants are provided certificates with hours/training strands recorded Continued guidance from Internationally recognized experts: Kristie Brandt, Linda Brault, Mary Claire Heffron, Dr. Bruce Perry Rooted in Early Childhood Mental Health Best Practices
Sown and Grown in Partnership 0 to 8 MHC First 5 Humboldt Changing Tides FS South Bay SD NCS Hospice of Humboldt CAPCCDHHSHSU Cutten School District HCOE CAPITRCRC RCAA
Free or low cost quality trainings in Humboldt County Portfolio Building toward IFECMH Certification Follow up and support post trainings via the 0 to 8 MHC Network, Clinician’s Support Group and Resiliency Quarterly Supported By A Qualified Workforce
How does Beth’s & Meg’s work relate? A Growing and Improving System
Omi on the road, in the newsletter, via e- mail, phone and on Twitter Inclusion work at playgroups, in the newsletter, via , phone & home visits Parenting Counts, Connections, Family Child Care Inclusion Pilot & MAC Family Support Technical assistance, training and support to PFS programs Post training support utilizing Reflective Supervision and Appreciative Inquiry models Supportive and Responsive Relationships For All
Parents as first teachers emphasis Family Child Care Pilot Project Bottom Line Best Practices at PFS programs Training and support to Community Transition Teams Ongoing outreach to early childhood and K- 2 teachers via 0-8 MHC Networking, CPIN and HCOE High Quality Early Learning
Inclusion work with specific families at playgroups and the MAC Outreach and collaboration with local agencies who support families needing early intervention CONNECTIONS, Understanding Your Newborn Classes Informal assessment and referral to appropriate resources (developmental intervention, parental mental health, housing or other basic needs crises, etc) Supporting PALS participation at FUN Center Technical assistance to schools regarding children impacted by trauma Targeted Prevention & Early Intervention
HCOE Crisis response Increased Inclusion Support to specific families Collaboration with Itinerate Teachers whose students attend playgroup Technical assistance to organizations such as CASA and schools regarding early childhood mental health and children impacted by trauma Intensive Interventions
Providing Reflective Supervision/ Coaching Communicating with Mary Claire Heffron regarding training opportunity and technical assistance for Humboldt County Awaiting the arrival of the new training video Exploring Reflective Supervision and Facilitation (required training material for the IFECMH Endorsement Process)
Informed Strong Growing Respected Sustainable For more information about this Collaborative contact Meg Walkley, (707)