Physical Education and Btec Sport
Why choose PE or Btec sport? Subjects that combine a love for sport and physical activity with a look at all the things behind sport and how it works You get to experience many different activities and take part in practical sessions. You can learn leadership and coaching skills. You can learn leadership and coaching skills.
Course Structure GCSE PE Course Structure GCSE PE Assessed in four different practical activities. Take different roles such as coach, official or performer. 40% theory & 60% practical. Theory includes: anatomy, training, International sport, media and diet.
Course Structure Btec Sport Course Structure Btec Sport You will study four units over two years. Health and fitness for sport and exercise Health and fitness for sport and exercise Practical sports performance Practical sports performance The mind and sports performance The mind and sports performance Training and personal fitness Training and personal fitness
Resources and trips Required to take part in practical lessons and wear a GCSE PE kit. Encouraged to attend clubs and represent the school. Trips: football tour and ski trip. Pupils can be assessed in these activities.
Assessment Assessment GCSE PE 60% practical through external moderation. 40% theory through exam (2 hrs) at end of year 11. Btec Sport Assessed through practical performance, assignments and exams taken on computers.
Sixth Form Options You can study A level PE at Sixth Form level. To get onto A level PE you will need to achieve a B at GCSE PE or Merit at Btec Sport. Past students: Dan Champion studies nutrition at Nottingham George Corcoran studies sport psychology and Loughborough
Career options Coaching Nutritional analysis Sports development officer Physiotherapy Personal training Sports journalism PE teacher Events organiser
Successful people Studied GCSE PE and A level PE and is now in the GB rowing team for the 2012 Olympics.
Talk to pupils in year 10 & 11 about GCSE PE and Btec Sport Thanks for listening