Measuring Waiting Times – Understanding our destination and key milestones along the way Fiona Black Mental Health Programme Manager, ISD
Scope The target applies: to the delivery of psychological therapies for mental illness or disorder; where the therapy is delivered to individuals or groups on a face-to-face basis (inc. telephone and video link); to all ages (inc. CAMHS services); in inpatient as well as community settings; in physical health settings where there is associated mental illness such as depression or anxiety e.g. chronic pain and cancer; for substance misuse and for learning disabilities where there is associated mental illness or disorder;
Waiting Time Measurement Points
Supporting the collection of national comparable information Standard monthly reporting template Application of ‘new ways’ waiting times guidance to mental health/ PT HEAT Data standards for recording psychological therapies in line with ‘Matrix’ recommendations NHS HIS integrated care pathway standard for assessment for suitability (ICP 15)
Information required for NATIONAL reporting Year 1 (Ends March 12) Year 2 (Ends March 13) Year 3 (Ends March 14) Date referral received Date of initial assessment of need/ suitability for therapy (ICP 15) Suitable/ not suitable Date of start of therapy Type of therapy (grouping and intensity) Date discharged from therapy Therapy delivered out-with current evidence base Referral to treatment ‘adjusted’ waiting times reported (DNA, CNA, clock pause for unavailability, reasonable offer) Referral to treatment waiting times reported for all services Workforce data (inc. supervision and training) Local use of routine clinical outcomes data
HIGHLY SPECIALISTHIGH INTENSITYLOW INTENSITY Cognitive and /or Behavioural Therapies: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) [1] [1] Dialectical Behaviour therapy (DBT) Integrative Therapies: Cognitive Analytic Therapy Therapies out-with current evidence base: This includes individually tailored therapies for highly complex cases for which the approach is extrapolated from the current evidence base such as Integrative Psychological Approaches It will also include therapies for highly complex cases for whom there is an emerging evidence base such as Cognitive Behavioural Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) Cognitive and /or Behavioural Therapies: Behavioural Couples Therapy Behavioural Family Therapy Behavioural Modification Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Couple-focused Therapy Mindfulness Family and Systems Based Interventions: Family Therapy Functional Family Therapy Systemic Family Therapy Systems Based Therapies Integrative Therapies: Interpersonal therapy (IPT) Psychodynamic Psychotherapies: Child Psychotherapy Mentalisation Based Therapy Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Therapies out-with current evidence base: This includes high intensity therapies/ interventions delivered out-with the current evidence base such as Cognitive Behavioural Integrative Therapy (C-BIT) and Arts Psychotherapies Cognitive and /or Behavioural Therapies: Anger Management Anxiety Management Behavioural Activation Guided Self Help Motivational Enhancement Therapy Problem Solving Therapy (PST) Family and Systems Based Interventions: Caregiver Interventions Parenting Interventions: Family-Nurse Partnership Social Learning Based Parent Management Training Video Interaction Guidance Psychodynamic Psychotherapies: Play Therapy Other Psychological Therapies: Cognitive Stimulation Therapy Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Motivational Interviewing Reminiscence Therapy Solution Focused Therapy Systems Training for Emotional Predictability and Problem Solving (STEPPS) Treatment Foster Care Validation Therapy Therapies out-with current evidence base: This includes low intensity therapies/ interventions delivered out-with the current evidence base such as Cognitive Rehabilitation [1] [1] e.g. CBT for complex cases such as personality disorder
Implementation Progress TIME Local governance structures and arrangements Monthly submissions to ISD Monitored through the existing 6-monthly review visits PT Implementation and Monitoring Group meetings Stakeholder Reference Group meetings
Future Work – by end year 1 TIME Training/ materials to support waiting times capture Discussions re. national sharing of information Overlaps with CAMHS and drug/alcohol HEAT targets Implications of transfer of prison healthcare to NHS Pilot the capture of workforce data Scope the capture and use routine clinical outcomes
Resources and Support Frequently Asked Questions – Service Improvement Tools – health-collaborative.aspxhttp:// health-collaborative.aspx Training and Education (NHS NES) – Definitional Guidance and Measurement (ISD) – Guidance/ Guidance/ Regular eNewsletters (2-3 monthly) – to
At present…
In future…
Table Activity TIME Discuss the FAQs with the colleagues at your table: 1.Are there any you feel require further clarity? 2.Are there any answers which you disagree with? 3.Is there anything you feel has not been addressed yet? 4.Agree anything outstanding you would like to ask the panel during the Q+A session