PREVIOUS SCREENNEXT SCREEN PROCESSING A PO – WHAT’S IT FOR? Processing a purchase order is where you enter the details of an order onto the Agresso system. Once completed and saved, Agresso allocates an order number to your order information. Once authorised, the order is printed out by purchasing and sent out to the supplier.
Processing A Purchase Order PREVIOUS SCREENNEXT SCREEN Check you are in the right section of Agresso, ie UWIC or UWIC company. Follow the menu path + Agresso Logistics + Purchasing + Purchase Orders Then Double click on Entry/Amendment of purchase orders. Then double click on Finance PO’s to begin entering your order.
Entering The Supplier ID Tab through until you get to this box. If you need to search for the Supplier Number go to this box and press F9 and follow the process on the next slide If you already know the supplier shortname then just enter it here and press tab. PREVIOUS SCREENNEXT SCREEN
Searching for the supplier Either enter the short name in the Short Name filed or, in the ‘Description’ field enter a part of the suppliers name with an * either side of it, e.g. for Lyreco enter *LYRE*. Then click on the binoculars in the menu bar or press F7 and a list of all relevant suppliers will be shown. Double click on the supplier you wish, and their detailed will be automatically filled in the Purchase Order. More info on supplier searches can be found in the ‘Searching for a Supplier’ help section. PREVIOUS SCREENNEXT SCREEN
Other items in the order screen In responsible, enter whoever is your authoriser/budget holder for orders. In Requested by, your name should automatically appear. In invoice status enter a capital C. “Not billable” should appear In ‘Code’, enter the departmental Activity Code you wish to have charged for the costs of the purchase. (It is possible to split the costs across more than one Activity – for details, visit ‘Advanced Functionality’ in the User Guides section). PREVIOUS SCREENNEXT SCREEN
Delivery Section Select the delivery address from the drop down menu. You can enter the address manually or change the preset one from the list here PREVIOUS SCREENNEXT SCREEN
Entering the products for your order PREVIOUS SCREENNEXT SCREEN Click in Position 1 and tab In product, enter product code and tab and this should bring up the product details Unit does not need to be used In number enter the quantity of items you require You may have to amend the unit price if you are paying special rates for goods. If necessary tab down to row 2 to enter a new product and repeat the steps.
Extra Details In the Setup screen In the large boxes indicated you can enter information to appear as a header and/or footer on your purchase order. Such information can be an account code for Lyreco, a confirmation only message or a message to purchasing to attach something to the order. PREVIOUS SCREENNEXT SCREEN
Completing the order Once all of these procedures have been carried out your order should then be completed. Click the save icon in the menu bar You will the be issued with an order number. Keep a note of this number. That’s the process of entering a purchase order completed. This order will then need to be authorised by whoever you entered as responsible in the first screen BACK TO START