At the airport
Phew – I remembered my passport!
This is in the town of Vitre where we stayed
It was like a fairy tale town
This type of food is found in Brittany. It is called a Gallette and is a kind of crepe Stuffed with various fillings - delicious
This is the school we visited in Val D’Ize
There are 150 pupils.
Some of it is across the road.
These are the nursery children.
The nursery children have a sleep in the afternoon because they go to school for a full day.
These children are 7 they have a mascot called Mirabelle
This is where we have our school lunch.
These are some of the children who will be visiting us in June
We enjoyed playtime.
It was very tiring looking around school and we worked very hard.
There was a special Civic Reception for us, where lots of the people from the village came to meet us.
We also visited Rennes.
The pastries were yummy!
These are the teachers from France who will be coming with the children in June.
On the last night we had a sleepover, we were all very tired zzzzz