Seeing lives transformed
Our vision is that every prisoner has access to support and prayer. Our mission is to show Christ’s love to prisoners by coming alongside them and supporting them. We seek through prayer and practical care to help, support and develop a Christian ministry to prisoners and their families. We do this through our network of volunteer members, and currently have 1,700+ members across England and Wales. What is our mission? How do we work?
Prison population in England and Wales is approx 84,000 We are the top incarcerator in Western Europe 47% of adults are reconvicted after one year of release, rising to 60% after two years 160,000 children have one or both parents in prison 65% of boys with a convicted parent go on to offend Why? The Facts
A true story – A life transformed
What we do
Prayer is the basis for all that we do, and where it all started. Prison Fellowship Prayer Groups meet regularly to pray for prisons, prisoners, their families and prison staff. We have nearly 120 prayer groups across England and Wales. Prayer
Sycamore Tree is a victim awareness programme that teaches the principles of restorative justice to prisoners. Sycamore Tree
Angel Tree supports prisoners in their family relationships by providing a way for them to give Christmas presents to their children. Angel Tree
Our Letter Writing programme enables prisoners to feel valued and supported while in custody. Letter Writing
Local churches are vital partners in our work. Pray: prayer is at the root of all we do. Prayer changes lives Volunteer: join us in action in one of our PF programmes or through supporting chaplaincy Give: sow financially into our work to enable us to reach more prisoners We Need You! Pray, Volunteer, Give
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