Bassetlaw Pharmacy Locally Commissioned Public Health Services Sally Handley
Commissioning principles The Council is committed to promote fairness and transparency and is seeking to work with you as valued providers to continue to commission services from you in 2014/15 There is a need to harmonise and align pricing structures for Locally Commissioned Public Health Services across the county
Extension of contracts into 2014/15 Current contracts with the Council are due to expire on 31 March 2014 there is a need to extend this for a further 12 month period to 31 March 2015
EHC EHC - Locally Commissioned Public Health Services - Bassetlaw Service delivery Revised specification to harmonise across the county (training requirements the same) Performance and quality reporting requirements Full Postcode required with consent of the patient Payment (value/incentives) No change Payment termsNo change
Smoking Cessation Service Delivery Performance and Quality Reporting Requirements Payment (value/ incentives) Payment Terms Free online training to a recognised national standard will be accessible. This will be supported by information on local delivery and documentation. To continue as specified No change Being reviewed in line with NCC payment system – to be confirmed NRT voucher scheme will be for a 4 week supply (reduced from 12 weeks). Changes to product availability covered in the NRT voucher scheme. No changeN/A
NRT Service Delivery Performance and Quality Reporting Requirements Payment (value/ incentive s) Paymen t Terms NRT voucher scheme will be for a 4 week supply (reduced from 12 weeks). Changes to product availability covered in the NRT voucher scheme. Amend the NRT 400 form used by pharmacies to claim the NRT reimbursement No change VAT Reclama tion may require VAT Invoices from Pharmac ies TBC.
Supervised Consumption Current contracts have been extended to 30/09/2014 to align with the current Substance Misuse Tender process and future award of contract.
Needle and Syringe Exchange Current contracts have been extended to 30/09/2014 to align with the current Substance Misuse Tender process and future award of contract.
Contract Manager contact details for LCPHS Tanya Makins Public Health Contracts Manager Tel (internal 33034) Mobile