Pamela Lumsden Regional Development Manager – South East
The aim of LSIS is to accelerate the drive for excellence in the learning and skills sector, building the sector’s own capacity to design, commission and deliver improvement and strategic change.
LSIS - key features New strategic plan and direction - sector led and sector owned – using the sector to improve the sector A comprehensive improvement support service that reflects government priorities Based on partnership working - working in conjunction with other sector related bodies and groups of providers and colleges Activities that are of high quality and represent value for money Proven “impact” – robust performance review (LSIS Board and Council), QA and evaluation
LSIS – key features Reduced budget A move away from the big badge multi million £ contracts Establishment of regional contracting Introduction of sector engagement targets Introduction of LSIS accounts Regional interface - Regional Development Managers
Top 10 LSIS Activities Policy Guides and Sector updates Resource materials / The Excellence Gateway Conferences and seminars Support Programmes e.g. IAS, FSSP Specialist Services including bespoke consultancy Toolkits e.g. Self assessment and preparing for inspection Training for specific activities e.g. Safeguarding Research Publications Responding to specific demands (e.g. The Flexibility and Innovation Fund)
Current Opportunities Community Development Fund – 27 th September Flexibility and Innovation Fund – 29 th October Equality and Diversity Partnership Project Fund – 15 th October Hot Topics for WBL providers Support for Literacy, language and Numeracy in the SE
The focus of delivery Activity will be structured around Organisations performing below standards – rapid response teams involving sector staff working with providers Building the capacity to (self) improve Supporting self improvement solutions and strategies led and delivered by the sector itself Being a hub for strategic dialogue and influence and a focus for new thinking and innovation in the sector Recognising and celebrating greatness and expediting the sharing of effective and innovative practice
What LSIS needs from the sector Commitment to developing a successful service The willingness to share effective practice Guidance on how our improvement funds can best be used Constructive criticism and feedback Sector staff time – payment for your expertise - Beacon providers paid up to £500 per day to help others. High Quality Managers, organisation paid up to £500 per day for their release.
Use of the sector as a key delivery partner LSIS programmes put out to tender,(not IAS) New contracts subject to sector engagement targets Likely to mean more bids from consortia/strong providers Contract holders likely to differ region to region RDMs pivotal to new approaches NB: See LSIS website 1 st day of each month.
Partnerships Area for development Lead partner The development of management qualifications for the sector Association of Colleges and Association of Learning Providers The improvement of teaching and learning Institute for Learning The enhancement of learning supportNatspec The development of better employment engagement strategies 157 Group and Association of Learning Providers Improving peer reviewLandex Supporting skills for lifeNIACE Developing the adult curriculumHOLEX Supporting HE in FEMixed Economy Group Improving pastoral care for learnersThe Tertiary Colleges Group Performance management of sixth form colleges by local authorities Sixth Form Colleges’ Forum
LSIS accounts A virtual credit available to the sector to access LSIS services Issued 1 May 2010 to 2000 SFA/YPLA funded providers Allocations range from £2,000 to £8,500 Can be redeemed against all LSIS activity In house regional events via provider networks Have you activated your account?
Improvement Adviser Service Rapid response service for grade 4s and/or success rate Notice to Improve Intermediate support for ‘coasting’ providers to improve grades Support to colleges with a finance Notice to Improve Improvement Adviser Service works with provider to develop tailored support package TAILORED SUPPORT PACKAGES can include : Review & recommendations for improvement of processes : - quality improvement - self improvement- self assessment - curriculum planning - teaching & learning- lesson observations - management & leadership - performance management Staff development Governor advice Improvement action planning Signposting to other improvement and support programmes 1:1 support for development/ Good aspiring to Excellence
Size and range of the IAS Service £3m budget 200+ advisers and HQMs Grown from 73 cases to 202 cases , with 670 cases to date Works across the range of provider performance Most prolific providers – WBL (280); then FE (134); then ACL (121) Support for providers to make IAS application
Success Most popular areas of support – quality improvement processes; self assessment; use of data; teaching and learning; mentoring Evaluation (Sept 2009) suggested that 87% of providers were completely satisfied with the Service All providers interviewed for evaluation able to give examples of ‘reasonable’ or ‘significant’ impact 90% of cases improve grades at inspection or re inspection Advisers well-regarded, critical friends, do not ‘do it for you’
2010/11 LSC used to refer providers – LSIS working across SFA/YPLA/Las and providers for direct referrals / applications Introduction of finance support for colleges in recovery Meeting the 60% sector engagement target Signposting effectively to other programmes
Organisational Health checks The aim is to gauge fitness for purpose in relation to meeting current and future strategic requirements External “critical friend” view to support organisational vision and aims Available to all categories of provider not inspected in the last 2 years Team of 3 / 1.5 day process
Role of Regional Development Manager Supporting quality improvements needs Strategic needs analysis – regional/individual Regional networking Sharing knowledge across programmes Promoting and supporting applications for IAS and OHC’s Working with IAS advisers to provide a whole organisation memorandum of support Meeting regional stakeholders Ensuring LSIS meets regional needs ‘Regional eyes and ears of LSIS’
LSIS is the sector-led improvement service, so please continue to tell us what support you need so that we can adapt and improve our offer to you.
Pamela Lumsden South East Regional Development Manager Tel office: Mobile: E mail: