Health in (insert your area) What people said in 2009/09 Making health services better for people with learning disabilities The Health Self Assessment Framework
Who took part? We talked to: ?groups of self advocates and family carers Partnership Board ?? sub-groups Any points to make about involvement / deadlines?
Target 1. Campus homes will be closed by 2010 Not everyone knows what a campus home is Most reps don’t think their Partnership Boards have talked about this
Target 2. People can use the same health services and get the same treatment GP’s Health Screening Disease prevention and health promotion Dentists Chemists Podiatry
Target 3. People are safe in National Health Service services What people said about safety Examples of good things happening? Stories of what needs to get better?
Target 4. ‘Valuing People’ means we are making things better Specialist learning disability services Chance to say what you think about health Services – how listened to?
Anything else? There were some other comments that the people made as part of the process: Teams should get better at ??/