Open Book Championing Young People’s Learning Speaker details
Championing Young People’s Learning A new context The schools white paper Transparency Simplification The budget
Championing Young People’s Learning What is Open Book? Improves the transparency of the funding process Helps your sixth form to improve the quality of its provision Helps your sixth form improve the quality of its census data Gives you access to the same level of information as FE colleges.
Championing Young People’s Learning What have we produced for you? A quality improvement report looking back to 2009/10. A retrospective look at how your census data was used to calculate your 2011/12 funding allocation. A forward look at the success rate that will be used in next year’s 2012/13 allocation round.
Why have we done this? You asked for it Importance of data in an automated process Transparency of data and calculations Same facility to check calculations as rest of the sector To improve the accuracy of your calculations using your data.
We’re in this together 12/13 onwards Open Book 11/12 allocations Closed Book Looking forwards not backwards It needs to uncover inaccuracies to improve the process Issues that arise from this process will be put to good use
Championing Young People’s Learning Moving forward together Shared issues log Data collection, data management, software etc Published on the YPLA website Describes the issue Who has raised it... the solution ( eventually)
Championing Young People’s Learning How sixth forms are funded in 2011/12
2011/12 allocations
Championing Young People’s Learning Impact on funding allocations It will not be possible to change your 2011/12 funding allocation based on the information in this spreadsheet An increased focus on your May 2011 census return will help us provide a more accurate funding allocation for you in the future
Championing Young People’s Learning 2011/12 allocation spreadsheet
Championing Young People’s Learning
Calculation summary Your funding statement
Championing Young People’s Learning Total SLN (11/12) = Learner numbers (10/11) x SLN:learner ratio (09/10) SLN:learner ratio (09/10) = Total capped SLNs (09/10) ÷ Actual learner numbers (09/10) STANDARD LEARNER NUMBER
Championing Young People’s Learning
Data and calculations Pupil names
Championing Young People’s Learning
Success rates Championing Young People’s Learning
Qualification Success Rate report (pilot)
Championing Young People’s Learning Improving sixth form provision Based on your May 2010 census Responsibility for sixth form improvement Who else see sees the reports?
Championing Young People’s Learning
Success rates spreadsheet
Championing Young People’s Learning Success rates spreadsheet:
Championing Young People’s Learning
Action to take Does your success rate look about right? Are the right students being counted? Have their results been recorded accurately? Submit a business case
Championing Young People’s Learning Submitting a business case Complete the final three grey columns on the Data and calculations tab Print business case page, headteacher to sign as accounting officer Return to the YPLA by 8 th July 2011
Championing Young People’s Learning Evidence requirements Do not re-submit your census data You must hold evidence at your school which supports all changes that you propose. Evidence must be suitable for providing assurance to an auditor. Acceptable evidenceNot acceptable evidence Statement from an awarding body Spreadsheet produced by sixth form Extract from your census / MI system return to DfE/LA Letter of assurance from headteacher Photos of students The YPLA will contact you after you have submitted your business case to review your evidence
Championing Young People’s Learning Questions
Support and access
Championing Young People’s Learning What support is available to you? Have a look on our website: this presentation an introduction to sixth form funding guidance documents screencasts technical frequently asked questions links to other sources of information If you can’t find what you need to know – contact us
Championing Young People’s Learning Accessing your documents: The URL is: Sign in using the login details ed w/c 9 th May
Home screen: Your workspace Shows all your documents Your document and reports You will see one centre here and above Announcements Includes a link to Allocation generic notes
Speaker details Open Book Championing Young People’s Learning