INSPECTION UPDATE (1) a)Southwark schools seem to be doing well. Since September there have been 12 inspections and all outcomes have been good or better. Currently only one school in a category and a number of schools have gone up a grade or at least maintained their grades. This is against the national trend – the number of schools going into categories has risen considerably.
INSPECTION UPDATE (2) a)“From 25 th February, inspectors should report specifically on the performance in English and mathematics of pupils supported through the pupil premium compared to all other pupils in the school. Inspectors should highlight any differences between the average point scores for English and mathematics and whether gaps are narrowing…
INSPECTION UPDATE (3) b) Performance management – “Inspectors must ask schools for anonymised information from the last three years, which shows the proportions of teachers who have: Progressed along the main pay scale Progressed to, and through, the upper pay scale Progressed along the leadership scale Received additional responsibility payments such as TLRs and SEN allowances The information should include information about progression patterns and comparison between key stages.
INSPECTION UPDATE (4) c) Governance – “Inspectors should meet with as many governors as possible during an inspection” Focus is on how well governors evaluate performance – pupil progress, leadership of teaching, management of staff, use of pupil premium and its impact. “Where governance requires improvement, inspectors should recommend an external review of the governing body”
INSPECTION UPDATE (5) Parent View – the minimum number of responses before any results are displayed on the website has increased from 3 to 10. Schools will be sent an alerting them the results are to made public.
INSPECTION UPDATE (6) A primary school is deemed to be below floor standards when all of these criteria apply Less than 60% of pupils achieve level 4 in both English and maths Less than the median percentage (92%) make expected progress in English Less than the median percentage (90%) make expected progress in maths
Inspection update 7 Attendance – When deciding whether attendance is consistently low, inspectors should consider how it compares with figures for the lowest 10% of schools in 2011/12: this was 94.24% in primary schools.
School website requirements Key points This advice details the minimum ‘specified’ information to be published on a website from the amended School Information Regulations. This includes: Pupil Premium allocation, use and impact on attainment; curriculum provision, content and approach, by academic year and by subject; academic
School website requirements admission arrangements, including its selection and oversubscription criteria and published admission number;admission the school's policy in relation to behaviour, charging, and SEN and disability provision; and details of the school's latest Key Stage 2 and 4 attainment and progress measures; links to the school's Ofsted reports and performance data presented on the Department's School Performance Tables; and a statement of the school's ethos and values