1 Fermentation of liquid feeds SRC045 Nutreco R&D – Fermentationexperts 29 April 2011 Ronald Scholten
2 II. Trials weaned piglets HendrixUTD BV Ashorst BV (=farm Van Asten; 1800 sows gr-f) WEDA Holland BV
3 Fermentmix Lactic Acid (g/kg) Acetic Acid (g/kg) Ethanol (g/kg) LAB: 10 7 to 10 9 cfu/ml Yeast: 10 3 to 10 5 cfu/ml
4 Trial 1: 16 Dec 10 Fermentation ˚C (warm water) Batch fermentation Daily cleaning hot water (60-70 ˚C ) Weekly sodium hydroxide + soap cleaning; hot water Ferment mix: barley (62%), wheat (35,7%), molasses (2%), palm oil (0,3%) Pellets, crumbled feed Temperature of final diets are equal (computer controlled)! Trial 1: weaned piglets
5 Control:65% non-fermented ferment mix + 35% conc. Ferment:65% fermented ferment mix + 35% conc. Day 1 – 4: 90% prestarter + 10% ferment mix Day 5 – 20: 65% ferment mix + 35% conc.1 Day 21 – 35: 65% ferment mix + 35% conc piglets: 16 replicates per treatment Trial 1: weaned piglets
6 Trial 1: weaned piglets; day 1-35 Trial 1ControlFermentP Initial weight (kg) Final weight (kg) ADG (g/d) FCR (kg/kg)1.57 a 1.54 b.10 Feed intake (kg/day)
7 Trial 2: 10 February – 16 March 2011 Fermentation ˚C (warm water) Batch fermentation Daily cleaning hot water (60-70 ˚C ) Weekly sodium hydroxide + soap cleaning; hot water Ferment mix: barley (62%), wheat (35,7%), molasses (2%), palmoil (0,3%) Pelleted, crumbled feed Temperature of final diets are equal (computer controlled)! Trial 2: weaned piglets
8 Control:65% non-fermented ferment mix + 35% conc. Ferment:65% fermented ferment mix + 35% conc. Day : 65% ferment mix + 35% conc.1 Day 21 – 35: 65% ferment mix + 35% conc piglets: 20 replicates per treatment Trial 2: weaned piglets
9 Trial 2: Weaned piglets; day 1-35 Trial 2ControlFermentP Initial weight (kg) Final weight (kg)18.5 a 19.3 b.03 ADG (g/d)343 a 363 b.03 FCR (kg/kg)1.66 a 1.59 b.02 Feed intake (kg/day)
10 Concentrates (35% of DM) are identical in both treatments Concentrates includes insurances (i.e.. organic acid) Difference trial 1 versus trial 2: First 5 days after weaning both treatments got very luxury feed First 5 days both groups (except 10% ferment mix was fermented versus non-fermented) was identical. Remarks: