Filling the gaps between the present state and the ideal state of ethics education for neuroscientists REVIEW OF WORK SO FAR AND OUTLINE OF OBJECTIVES FOR WORKSHOP 3
Build the foundation necessary to develop appropriate education courses and materials Addressing the question of ‘what ought to be covered in ethics education programmes for neuroscientists?’ Preliminary work Surveys of ethics education in neuroscience courses Scoping visits to the US and Sweden OVERALL AIMS OF NETWORK
1. Present state of ethics education for neuroscientists 2. The ideal state of ethics education for neuroscientists in 2015 3. What needs to be done to fill the gaps between the ideal state and the present state of ethics education 4. Getting from here to there (September 2013) WORKSHOPS
Introduction to the Network Surveys of ethics education in neuroscience courses Findings of scoping visits to institutions in Sweden and the US Reports on current practice in UK universities and where ethics fits into neuroscience courses Discussion of needs, attitudes, aims, content, delivery, and desired outcomes from Network activities WORKSHOP 1 - CONTENT
Draft of the consensus statement emerging from workshop 1 discussions Scoping visits for Poland, Germany and Ukraine Presentation on neuroethics and biosecurity in Japan Preliminary work on module outline INTERIM WORK
Presentation of the consensus statement Scoping reports from Poland, Germany and Ukraine Presentations on: teaching ethics in secondary and tertiary education; approach used for ethics education in the nuclear security field; and European educational initiatives. Skeleton of educational module presented in 2 parts, with feedback and discussion on suitable content, points of engagement, and ways to appropriately combine the two parts. WORKSHOP 2
The idea of producing a modular style resource received support from participants Improved coverage of basic neuroscience topics / case studies is needed Consideration needs to be give to the level at which the lectures and materials are targeted, and this should be clearly indicated to allow for adaptation by users Once the target level is chosen, then learning outcomes can be set, which in turn inform content and preferred methods of assessment KEY POINTS – WORKSHOP 2
Consideration should also be given to the fact that previous exposure both to ethics and neuroscience in UG courses will vary Points of engagement need further work e.g. efforts should be made to tap into the ‘geek’/’cool’ aspects of neuroscience and its future as a field Usability should be considered in order to maximise take up of the course Not only about why be responsible but also how to be responsible KEY POINTS – WORKSHOP 2
Scientists and institutions sufficiently aware to be able to put in place reasonable, flexible systems for ethical research Pre-emptive engagement for appropriate political responses Promote openness and public trust in neuroscience by integrating ethics training from a relatively early stage in the emergence of major societal impacts Equipping neuroscientists to identify and evaluate ethical implications of their work and respond effectively to societal concerns. IMPORTANT TO SET OUT WHAT WE WISH TO ACHIEVE THROUGH PROVISION OF SUCH EDUCATION
Identifying funding opportunities and drafting applications, e.g. for: a symposium (Brocher; British Academy) for piloting of courses and possible development of a student network (NRI Pump- prime funding; HEA) and for larger project (ESRC). Further development work on the module. INTERIM WORK
Content development for module and discussion about e.g. form of delivery (sessions 2 and 4) Revision of consensus statement (session 3) Discussion on introducing more ethics into ‘dark side’ lectures (session 4) OBJECTIVES FOR WORKSHOP 3:
Intended as a collaborative endeavour to incorporate discussion and feedback during workshops and beyond Ongoing process of refinement Current drafts of lectures 1, 2, 4, and 6-10 End product – a comprehensive course that can be used in various ways MODULE DEVELOPMENT
Allows selection and adaptation by end users of most relevant materials for their purposes Users can also change order of lectures to suit their own needs A good way of allowing other groups to develop complementary lectures and other teaching materials that can be combined with / supplement this course Easier to adapt to different teaching formats e.g. to develop a seminar or workshop on a particular theme MODULAR STYLE OF COURSE
1.Introduction – Science Ethics and Responsible Conduct of Research 2.Neuroscience of Morality and Moral Enhancement 3.Uses and Interpretation of Brain Imaging 4.Cognitive Enhancement 5.Clinical and Experimental Practice 6.Novel Neuroweapons 7.Chemical Weapons 8.Biological Weapons 9.The CBW Non-Proliferation Regime 10. Neuroethics and Biosecurity Education LECTURE OUTLINE
Initial ideas emerged during workshop 1 Again a collaborative endeavour and ongoing process of refinement Aim to have endorsed consensus statement as an output of the network’s activities, with final drafting at Workshop 4 CONSENSUS STATEMENT