By the end of today’s lesson, you should be able to: Explain what psychoanalysis is Explain how psychoanalysis aims to treat mental abnormality Define.


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Presentation transcript:

By the end of today’s lesson, you should be able to: Explain what psychoanalysis is Explain how psychoanalysis aims to treat mental abnormality Define ‘catharsis’ Describe how each of these psychoanalytic techniques is used to treat abnormality: – Dream analysis – Free association – Transference

Relevant exam questions: Outline what is involved in psychoanalysis (6 marks) Discuss psychoanalysis as a form of treatment ( 12 marks)

What is psychoanalysis? Analysis of the psyche – the mind Not just one technique – a body of techniques which may be used separately or together to help the patient Sometimes called the ‘talking therapy’

What is the aim of psychoanalysis? Freud said that the goal of therapy is simply " to make the unconscious conscious.“ When the patient is made aware of unconscious thoughts, feelings and conflicts they are able to confront and overcome them. This is a process known as catharsis (but it can take a very long time!) Mental abnormality should then ‘disappear’

Disclaimer! The forms of psychoanalysis that we are going to try out are based very loosely on real forms of treatment They will not provide a useful picture of your mental health or personality because ‘real’ psychoanalysis takes place over months or even years with a fully trained therapist So… don’t take it too seriously… it’s just for fun (and learning of course!)

Free association In a real therapy session, the patient would talk freely about whatever enters their head The therapist would then analyse what is said in order to detect possible conflicts or traumas which might be buried in the subconscious We don’t have the time or expertise for this, so…

You have 30 seconds to write down the first 10 words that come into your mind Don’t think about it… just write NOW…

Dream analysis Freud said that dreams were full of symbols which represent what is going on in our unconscious mind Analysing our dreams helps us to understand our unconscious Other psychologists analyse dreams, but Freud differs because he believed most dreams had a sexual content

Think about the last dream you can remember having Try to think of any specific objects, people or activities that occurred in your dream WARNING: Some people may find the following interpretations embarrassing, so you don’t have to share your dream with anyone if you don’t want to!

Long things that ‘jut out’: Penis – Mountains, sticks, umbrellas, poles, trees, baguettes, snakes Objects which can be lengthened: Penis – Aerials, extendable pens, Objects from which water run: Phallus – Pipes, fountains, taps, watering-pots, hoses Things which go ‘up’: Erection – Helicopters, aeroplanes, rockets Penetration – Knives, weapons, swords, guns, rifles, cannons

Hollow objects that contain things: Vagina – Cupboards, tunnels, boxes, bottles, suitcases, tins, pockets Entrances: Vagina – Doors, gates, castles. Curvy objects: Breasts – Footballs, apples, peaches, other fruits, Playing: Masturbation Rhythmical activities: Sexual intercourse – Dancing, climbing, riding. Authority figures: Father + the Oedipus/Electra complex – Police, teachers, doctors…

Transference Transferring your feelings towards a certain person onto the therapist Could be positive or negative feelings In pairs, one person is the therapist, other is the patient Patient to imagine that the therapist has just killed their dog, cat, ferret, etc. What would you say to them? You have 5 minutes to really let it out! How did you feel afterwards?

Ink blots A type of projective test which consists of asking respondents what they see in symmetrical inkblot pictures. It is thought by some psychologists that such tests reveal aspects of the unconscious mind.

Plenary In pairs, write down at least 5 key words from today’s lesson I am going to ask each pair to give me a word that hasn’t already been used