Lesson Title: Why was there so much opposition to vaccination? To know how political cartoons were used to influence decisions To understand why people would not fully accept vaccination for Smallpox Skills: inference, role play, working as a group
Starter Stick in the source in the middle of a page in your exercise book Pick out details from the source which indicate attitudes towards vaccination Then explain what they suggest people’s fears are Now bring in wider information that you know to explain people’s fears
Task One – 12 mins Explain why this source was published in the early 1800s. Use the source and your knowledge to explain your answer.
Task Two – Opposition to Vaccination You must plan, practice and perform a role play scenario about a reason why people opposed Jenner’s discoveries and vaccination Work in groups of 4/5 people, as there needs to be 6 groups in total I will give each group a scenario to perform Don’t tell the other groups what scenario you are going to do – their job is to work this out whilst you’re performing it! You have 15/20 mins to prepare your short role play and then you will perform them and we will try and uncover what opposition to Jenner and vaccination is being performed We will add each opposition to vaccination to a spider diagram whilst each group is performing
Plenary Each group is going to perform their role play to the rest of the class As you watch the different role plays, you must work out which scenario is being acted out Copy down the spider diagram below and add reasons for opposition to vaccination in between the different role play performances Why was there so much opposition to vaccination?