Safer and Stronger Opportunities and Challenges for Community Justice Authorities
Background and Role 8 CJAs - Glasgow is unique. Local elected members provide accountability. Strategic role, do not deliver services – yet. 2% reduction in reconvictions by Governance of CJSWS ring fenced funding.
Area Plans Violent, serious and sex offenders Persistent offenders, including women Young Offenders Resettlement and rehabilitation Housing and Accommodation Employability Health, including general health and mental health Addictions Families and Victims
Outcomes for Communities 1. Consistent approach leading to increased community safety. 2. Increased public confidence on the effectiveness of work with offenders. 3. Improved understanding of: community disposals the role of prisons. 4. Improved satisfaction for victims and sentencers. 5. Care of victims and timely information. 6. Timely information and involvement of families.
Some Early Work Glasgow’s Citizens’ Panel Work with Families and Victims about timely information. What works? Consultation with prisoners and those on a community sentence. Local Community Service priorities. Structured Deferred Sentence Package.
Challenges and Opportunities Challenges Creating a community profile. From partnership to joint working with others The national and local agenda. Demonstrating improvement - early. Opportunities Strong Glasgow identity Support and existing community structures Prison Commission & Audit Scotland reports Community Service visibility and feedback
SASO Glasgow Annual Conference 12 May 2008 Anne Connolly Chief Officer Glasgow CJA