1 Community Alcohol Partnership Age-Restricted Sales Training & Support
2 Today’s Training Session 1.Introductions – sharing our experiences 2.Short film and discussion 3.What the laws says 4.Challenge 25 – No ID No Sale Scenarios 5.Customer Handling – hints & tips 6.How to further protect your business 7.Question & Answer
3 Why We’re Here 1.45% of year olds drink alcohol 2.In 2001, 26% of year olds drank alcohol in the last week 3.By 2011, that had fallen to 12% 4.Of 15 year olds who drink, 24 % say they bought from off- licenses, 17% from shops or supermarkets and 10% from pubs or bars 5.But Friends (24%) or Parents (22%) are the biggest source 6.
4 Why We’re Here
10 What the law says It is a criminal offence to sell alcohol to a person who is under 18
11 What the law says The physical seller, the premises license holder and the owner of the business may all be criminally liable for any illegal sale
12 What the law says – physical sellers It is a defence if all reasonable steps had been taken to establish the purchaser’s age
13 What the law says – PLH / Owners It is a defence if all due diligence had been exercised to prevent the underage sale
14 What the law says – sales by proxy It is a criminal offence to buy or attempt to buy alcohol for a person who is under 18
15 What the law says – under 18s It is a criminal offence if a person who is under 18 buys or attempts to buy alcohol
16 Take a guess…
17 But what if you guess incorrectly…?
Challenge 25 - dealing with difficult situations Refusing a sale or asking someone for ID can be difficult and can put you and the customer under pressure People sometimes react in ways they wouldn’t normally because they’re under stress 20
Stress How might customers react if we refuse their alcohol sale? 21
Stress How might we be behaving when we refuse a sale? 22
Tips on how to deal with refusing a sale Listen to the customer and don’t interrupt Take a deep breath, keep calm and give yourself a chance to think Show you care - put yourself in their situation Tell them what’s going to happen and why Offer a solution If you do not feel in control of the situation, calmly but firmly ask the person to leave 23
Confident communication Remember the importance of first impressions and assumptions. Underage customers will be able to pick their “preferred” sales person just by reading your body language as you stand at the till. 24
Confident communication It is important to communicate confidently if we need to refuse a sale: What type of words should we use ? What tone should we use? What type of body language? 25
26 Make sure you
27 How to …………………. 1.Check the Hologram – is it genuine? 2.Check the Photograph – is it of the customer? 3.Check the Date of Birth – is the customer over 18? 4.Check the Card – has it been tampered with? 5.Are you satisfied? Make the Sale
29 Serve? or Refuse?
31 Serve? or Refuse?
33 Serve? or Refuse?
34 Quiz