Ashford 1 Child in Care Team Comprises of one Team Manager: Pat Hatcher, 6 Social Workers and 2 Senior Practitioners. 3 Family Support Teams 1 Assessment & Intervention Team Dover 1 Child in Care Team Comprises of one Team Manager: Rebecca Ransley, 6 Social Workers and 2 Senior Practitioners. 3 Family Support Teams 1 Assessment & Intervention Team Shepway 1 Child in Care Team Comprises of one Team Manager: Nicola Smith, 6 Social Workers and 2 Senior Practitioners. 3 Family Support Teams 1 Assessment & Intervention Team The Adolescent Team covers all of South Kent. The Team Manager is Stewart Law. The Service Manager for South Kent Children in Care, the Adolescent Service and the Fostering Service is Michelle Woodward.
The Child’s Journey to the Child in Care Team Children are placed in foster care through the Assessment and Intervention Teams and also through Family Support Teams as well as on occasion through the Central Referral Unit. The transfer point to Child in Care Teams is generally at the first Child in Care Review or the first court hearing if proceedings have been issued. Children may not transfer to the Child in Care Team if the care plan is rehabilitation to the parents care. This can mean that a child or young person will experience a number of changes in social worker throughout their involvement with the Local Authority and this can cause frustration, confusion and upset to children and their families as well as other professionals.
Different Types of Care S.20 – Section 20 Accommodation is with the agreement of parent(s) with parental responsibility. S.20 is often used at the start of a child being placed in foster care and parental responsibility remains with the parents. Practically this means that neither the foster carer or Local Authority can consent to any medical treatment or provide consent for school trips etc. unless the parents has provided written and ongoing consent. This can remain ongoing for a significant period of time as long as the parents remain in agreement and the arrangement is workable for the child. Interim Care Order (ICO) – This will mean that the court has found that there is reasonable grounds for believing that there are grounds for a full care order. An interim care order can be made for period of 8 weeks and then renewed on a monthly basis. A Care Order – The Court can only make a care order if: the child has suffered, or is likely to suffer, significant harm and the harm or likelihood of harm is attributable to the care given to the child, or likely to be given if the Order were not made, not being what would be reasonably expected of a parent; or the child is beyond parental control. A Care Order remains in place until a young person reaches the age of 18.
Emergency Protection Order (EPO) - An Emergency Protection Order is a short term order with either removes the child or allows the child to be placed in a place of safety or requires an alleged abuser to leave the family home. An EPO can be made for 8 days and extended by a further 7 if absolutely necessary. The Local Authority acquires parental responsibility however this does not remove it from the parents. Special Guardianship Order (SGO) – Special Guardianship Orders are generally made to family members and remain in place until the child is 18. Parental responsibility is acquired through the granting of an SGO however the parents retain some parental responsibility. Children subject to a Special Guardianship Order do not retain a Child in Care status.
Different Type of Placements Children in care can be placed in different types of placement, for example : KCC Foster Placements; Independent Foster Carer Agency Placements; Residential Placement; Placed with parents under a Care Order (Placed with Parents Regulations 2010) Connected Persons Foster Care Placement Private Fostering – No Child in Care Team Involvement however if you are aware of a child that is privately fostered there is a legal requirement to notify the Local Authority. Private fostering is when a child under the age of 16 (under 18 if disabled) is cared for by someone who is not their parent or a 'close relative'. This is a private arrangement made between a parent and a carer, for 28 days or more. Close relatives are defined as step-parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, uncles or aunts (whether of full blood, half blood or marriage/affinity). There were only 35 arrangements notified in Kent last year which indicates that this type of placement is under reported.
The Numbers…… In Ashford there are 58 Children in Care In Dover there are 85 Children in Care In Shepway there are 101 Children in Care The Adolescent Team has 10 Children in Care and 53 Children in Need The total Children in Care at the current time, in South Kent is Interim Care Order 142 Care Order 51 Placement Order 1 On Remand 51 Section 20 Across the whole of Kent there are 1,818 children in care.
The Role of a Child in Care Social Worker Individualised care planning for each child which will include: placement needs, health, emotional welfare, education and contact; Undertaking assessments of family members and preparing court documents; Progressing court care plans within a 26 week timetable; Attending court; Preparing adoption papers for court and the Local Authority’s Agency Decision Maker; Identifying adoptive placements for children; Identifying foster placements for children; Attending Child in Care Reviews on a 6 monthly basis and preparing the care plan and report for the Review; Attending PEP Meetings on a 6 monthly basis; Arranging and attending Child in Care Health Assessments on a six monthly to yearly basis; Ensuring that children and young people attend six monthly dental/opticians appointments; Working with children and their families to improve and build on their relationships so that rehabilitation can be achieved when and if it is in the child’s best interests; Statutory visits to Children In Care are undertaken at least six weekly; Liaison with families, schools and health.
The Role of the Independent Reviewing Officer An Independent Reviewing Officer is the person who ensures that children looked after by the Local Authority have regular reviews to consider the care plan and placement. It is the role of the Independent Reviewing Officer to ensure that a child’s views are taken into consideration and that the Local Authority is fulfilling its duties and functions. The Independent Reviewing Officer chairs and minutes Children in Care Reviews and makes decisions and recommendations and monitors the effectiveness of the Local Authority’s plan. The Independent Reviewing Officer will meet with the child before the review to ascertain their wishes and feelings and will assist the child to take part in the review. In accordance with The Adoption and Children Act 2002 section 118 an Independent Reviewing officer must be appointed to participate in statutory reviews to consider the care plan of children looked after by the Local Authority.
Some contacts you might find useful….. Child in Care Team Ashford: Child in Care Team Dover: Child in Care Team Shepway: Adolescent Team: Private Fostering: