Key Stage 3 National Strategy Communication: sound and video Session 1
Key Stage 3 National Strategy © Crown copyright 2003 Slide 1.1 Objectives for session 1 To become familiar with the objectives in the ICT Framework relating to the use of sound and video To develop an understanding of the way sound relates to the key concepts of ‘Fitness for purpose’ and ‘Audience’ To consider how to use sound in the classroom
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Key Stage 3 National Strategy © Crown copyright 2003 Slide 1.5 Year 7 teaching objectives Exchanging and sharing information Fitness for purpose –Recognise common forms and conventions used in communications and how these address audience needs. –Apply understanding of common forms and conventions to own ICT work. –Use given criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of own and others’ publications and presentations.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy © Crown copyright 2003 Slide 1.6 Pupils’ prior experience In primary school in ICT –using sound to develop their ideas (KS1) –learning how to develop and refine ideas by bringing together, organising, and reorganising … sound as appropriate (KS2) In music lessons At home
Key Stage 3 National Strategy © Crown copyright 2003 Slide 1.7 Activity 2 Identify those objectives that require knowledge and understanding of sound and moving images.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy © Crown copyright 2003 Slide 1.8 Year 7 teaching objectives Refining and presenting information Plan and design the presentation of information in digital media, taking account of the purpose of the presentation and intended audience. Use ICT to draft and refine a presentation, including: –capturing still and moving images and sound (e.g. using a scanner, digital camera, microphone); –reorganising, developing and combining information, including text, images and sound, using the simple editing functions of common applications; –importing and exporting data and information in appropriate formats.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy © Crown copyright 2003 Slide 1.9 Becta’s Digital Video Pilot Project Increase pupil engagement with the curriculum. Promote and develop a range of learning styles. Motivate and engage a wider range of pupils than traditional teaching methods, so providing greater access to the curriculum.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy © Crown copyright 2003 Slide 1.10 Hardware and software Hardware –Multimedia ready PCs –Sound cards –Storage space –Peripherals Software –Applications to record and manipulate sound –Sound enabled applications –Common formats
Key Stage 3 National Strategy © Crown copyright 2003 Slide 1.11 Objectives for session 1 To become familiar with the objectives in the ICT Framework relating to the use of sound and video To develop an understanding of the way sound relates to the key concepts of ‘Fitness for purpose’ and ‘Audience’ To consider how to use sound in the classroom
Key Stage 3 National Strategy © Crown copyright 2003 Slide 1.12 Year 9 Teaching objective Fitness for purpose Use knowledge of publications and media forms to devise criteria to assess the quality and impact of multimedia communications and presentations, and apply the criteria to develop and refine own work.