© 2010 The Actuarial Profession Colour palette for PowerPoint presentations Actuarial Bright Green R148 G166 B31 Actuarial Slate R32 G44 B52 * Secondary Olive Green R120 G162 B47 Secondary colour palette Primary colour palette Secondary Bottle Green R0 G147 B127 Secondary Turquoise R0 G138 B176 Secondary Aqua Blue R26 G160 B170 Secondary Pastel Green R126 G205 B195 Secondary Light Purple R123 G149 B174* Secondary Purple R97 G107 B156 Secondary Ecru R186 G163 B171 Secondary Yellow R215 G176 B18 Secondary Orange R213 G135 B43 Secondary Red R238 G52 B36 Secondary Rubine Red R226 G1 B119 *This colour reference is for screen presentations only Learned Society and Thought Leadership at the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries Sarah Mathieson 12 September 2012
Colour palette for PowerPoint presentations Actuarial Bright Green R148 G166 B31 Actuarial Slate R32 G44 B52 * Secondary Olive Green R120 G162 B47 Secondary colour palette Primary colour palette Secondary Bottle Green R0 G147 B127 Secondary Turquoise R0 G138 B176 Secondary Aqua Blue R26 G160 B170 Secondary Pastel Green R126 G205 B195 Secondary Light Purple R123 G149 B174* Secondary Purple R97 G107 B156 Secondary Ecru R186 G163 B171 Secondary Yellow R215 G176 B18 Secondary Orange R213 G135 B43 Secondary Red R238 G52 B36 Secondary Rubine Red R226 G1 B119 *This colour reference is for screen presentations only Introduction Learned Society and Thought Leadership Corporate Objective (June 2011): To advance all matters relevant to Actuarial Science Key themes for the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries: Research needs Sustaining and building research communities Building external links Making research accessible through improved communication Breaking down barriers between silos 1 © 2010 The Actuarial Profession
Colour palette for PowerPoint presentations Actuarial Bright Green R148 G166 B31 Actuarial Slate R32 G44 B52 * Secondary Olive Green R120 G162 B47 Secondary colour palette Primary colour palette Secondary Bottle Green R0 G147 B127 Secondary Turquoise R0 G138 B176 Secondary Aqua Blue R26 G160 B170 Secondary Pastel Green R126 G205 B195 Secondary Light Purple R123 G149 B174* Secondary Purple R97 G107 B156 Secondary Ecru R186 G163 B171 Secondary Yellow R215 G176 B18 Secondary Orange R213 G135 B43 Secondary Red R238 G52 B36 Secondary Rubine Red R226 G1 B119 *This colour reference is for screen presentations only Research Needs Identified by the Institute and Faculty Long Term Care Risk and uncertainty management Longevity/mortality/morbidity Resource, Environment, Energy Saving for retirement Discount rates Actuarial techniques in new areas (banking, building societies, infrastructure) Actuarial roles in defined contribution schemes Solvency II 2
Colour palette for PowerPoint presentations Actuarial Bright Green R148 G166 B31 Actuarial Slate R32 G44 B52 * Secondary Olive Green R120 G162 B47 Secondary colour palette Primary colour palette Secondary Bottle Green R0 G147 B127 Secondary Turquoise R0 G138 B176 Secondary Aqua Blue R26 G160 B170 Secondary Pastel Green R126 G205 B195 Secondary Light Purple R123 G149 B174* Secondary Purple R97 G107 B156 Secondary Ecru R186 G163 B171 Secondary Yellow R215 G176 B18 Secondary Orange R213 G135 B43 Secondary Red R238 G52 B36 Secondary Rubine Red R226 G1 B119 *This colour reference is for screen presentations only Main Categories of Research Activities 3 © 2010 The Actuarial Profession SOURCE OF RESEARCHDELIVERY MODELDISSEMINATIONPURPOSE* TLPPR Member-led Working Parties and Member Interest Groups (MIGs) Volunteer driven, with some support from Executive. Funding available for help with data acquisition, report writing etc Involves several hundred members Residential conferences / other IFoA events Sessional meetings and BAJ Papers on IFoA website The Actuary magazine Strategic Research Topics driven by key committees in the Profession; generally carried out by third parties (e.g. Universities); volunteer panels review output; project managed by Executive Research papers on IFoA website Sessional meetings and BAJ The Actuary magazine AAS Collaborative Projects Usually in response to an approach by a third party (e.g. Think Tank, Charity); sponsorship of research, often with others; project managed by Executive Research papers on IFoA website Press releases Launch events Sustaining Universities PhD funding for a small number of students Pump priming of smaller university projects Travel grants Linking MSc students to companies for projects Presentations Research papers The Actuary magazine FTSE Bursary Available for member-led research in investment management. May also be used for related activities e.g. Funding a keynote speaker at conference. Residential conferences / other IFoA events Sessional meetings and BAJ Papers on IFoA website The Actuary magazine Actuarial Research Centre PhD funding for a small number of students Establishing ARC at Heriot-Watt University Knowledge transfer activities expected * TL: Potential for thought leadership of actuarial science P: Research to support practitioners PR: PR-led research to raise the profile of the Profession and its members
Colour palette for PowerPoint presentations Actuarial Bright Green R148 G166 B31 Actuarial Slate R32 G44 B52 * Secondary Olive Green R120 G162 B47 Secondary colour palette Primary colour palette Secondary Bottle Green R0 G147 B127 Secondary Turquoise R0 G138 B176 Secondary Aqua Blue R26 G160 B170 Secondary Pastel Green R126 G205 B195 Secondary Light Purple R123 G149 B174* Secondary Purple R97 G107 B156 Secondary Ecru R186 G163 B171 Secondary Yellow R215 G176 B18 Secondary Orange R213 G135 B43 Secondary Red R238 G52 B36 Secondary Rubine Red R226 G1 B119 *This colour reference is for screen presentations only Related Thought Leadership Activities 4 © 2010 The Actuarial Profession Publications British Actuarial Journal: New editor for next session Annals of Actuarial Science Longevity Bulletin: 4 th edition expected Autumn 2012 Other activities CMI Committees Review of Mortality and Morbidity Studies Mortality Research Steering Group Resource and Environment Panel Spring and Autumn Lectures
Colour palette for PowerPoint presentations Actuarial Bright Green R148 G166 B31 Actuarial Slate R32 G44 B52 * Secondary Olive Green R120 G162 B47 Secondary colour palette Primary colour palette Secondary Bottle Green R0 G147 B127 Secondary Turquoise R0 G138 B176 Secondary Aqua Blue R26 G160 B170 Secondary Pastel Green R126 G205 B195 Secondary Light Purple R123 G149 B174* Secondary Purple R97 G107 B156 Secondary Ecru R186 G163 B171 Secondary Yellow R215 G176 B18 Secondary Orange R213 G135 B43 Secondary Red R238 G52 B36 Secondary Rubine Red R226 G1 B119 *This colour reference is for screen presentations only Strategic Projects: Current Activities Recent deliveries Discount Rates: Thought Leadership paper developed Long Term Care: comparison of international care models (University of Southampton) Two ERM projects (University of Bristol, University of Bath and Milliman; University of Kent) Teaching Statistics in Secondary Schools (Royal Statistical Society) Projects in the pipeline Genetic risk profiling (King’s College London) Two other mortality projects (University of Southampton; Heriot-Watt University) Limits to Growth (Anglia Ruskin University) 5 © 2010 The Actuarial Profession
Colour palette for PowerPoint presentations Actuarial Bright Green R148 G166 B31 Actuarial Slate R32 G44 B52 * Secondary Olive Green R120 G162 B47 Secondary colour palette Primary colour palette Secondary Bottle Green R0 G147 B127 Secondary Turquoise R0 G138 B176 Secondary Aqua Blue R26 G160 B170 Secondary Pastel Green R126 G205 B195 Secondary Light Purple R123 G149 B174* Secondary Purple R97 G107 B156 Secondary Ecru R186 G163 B171 Secondary Yellow R215 G176 B18 Secondary Orange R213 G135 B43 Secondary Red R238 G52 B36 Secondary Rubine Red R226 G1 B119 *This colour reference is for screen presentations only Strategic Projects: Future Activities Some elements to be aligned to key policy areas: –Pensions –Long Term Care –Financial Capability –Solvency II ERM Thought Leadership projects International projects 6 © 2010 The Actuarial Profession
Colour palette for PowerPoint presentations Actuarial Bright Green R148 G166 B31 Actuarial Slate R32 G44 B52 * Secondary Olive Green R120 G162 B47 Secondary colour palette Primary colour palette Secondary Bottle Green R0 G147 B127 Secondary Turquoise R0 G138 B176 Secondary Aqua Blue R26 G160 B170 Secondary Pastel Green R126 G205 B195 Secondary Light Purple R123 G149 B174* Secondary Purple R97 G107 B156 Secondary Ecru R186 G163 B171 Secondary Yellow R215 G176 B18 Secondary Orange R213 G135 B43 Secondary Red R238 G52 B36 Secondary Rubine Red R226 G1 B119 *This colour reference is for screen presentations only Sustaining Universities PhD (Part) Funding Functional data analysis and application in mortality and risk selection (University of Leicester) Risk management for pension schemes (University of Manchester) Plus two other projects in the pipeline Pump Priming From atheoretical to informed mortality modelling (Queen’s University Management School) Adding prior information to double chain ladder (Cass Business School) Incorporating model and parameter uncertainty in rate graduation and pricing for critical illness (Heriot-Watt University) The impact of model error on capital adequacy (Cass Business School) Plus MSc Projects and Travel Grants 7 © 2010 The Actuarial Profession
Colour palette for PowerPoint presentations Actuarial Bright Green R148 G166 B31 Actuarial Slate R32 G44 B52 * Secondary Olive Green R120 G162 B47 Secondary colour palette Primary colour palette Secondary Bottle Green R0 G147 B127 Secondary Turquoise R0 G138 B176 Secondary Aqua Blue R26 G160 B170 Secondary Pastel Green R126 G205 B195 Secondary Light Purple R123 G149 B174* Secondary Purple R97 G107 B156 Secondary Ecru R186 G163 B171 Secondary Yellow R215 G176 B18 Secondary Orange R213 G135 B43 Secondary Red R238 G52 B36 Secondary Rubine Red R226 G1 B119 *This colour reference is for screen presentations only Actuarial Research Centre Creating a centre of excellence Collaborative project with the Scottish Financial Risk Academy (SFRA) Funded initially by the Faculty Endowment Fund Launched September 2012 Areas of study Two PhD students in 2012: Banking liquidity risk; Liquidity risk premium on Corporate Bonds Part funded by the IFoA; private funding from Hymans Robertson and Partnership 8 © 2010 The Actuarial Profession
Colour palette for PowerPoint presentations Actuarial Bright Green R148 G166 B31 Actuarial Slate R32 G44 B52 * Secondary Olive Green R120 G162 B47 Secondary colour palette Primary colour palette Secondary Bottle Green R0 G147 B127 Secondary Turquoise R0 G138 B176 Secondary Aqua Blue R26 G160 B170 Secondary Pastel Green R126 G205 B195 Secondary Light Purple R123 G149 B174* Secondary Purple R97 G107 B156 Secondary Ecru R186 G163 B171 Secondary Yellow R215 G176 B18 Secondary Orange R213 G135 B43 Secondary Red R238 G52 B36 Secondary Rubine Red R226 G1 B119 *This colour reference is for screen presentations only Executive staff at the Institute and Faculty 9 © 2010 The Actuarial Profession CEO Office Education Finance & Operations Public Affairs Member Support General Counsel Library services: Information resources Journal access Data sources Publications Communities Managers: PECs/ sub-committees Working Parties MIGs Events: Delivery of logistics for: Sessional meetings Conferences Seminars Webinars Other events (incl joint) Audio/ video recording Volunteer Engagement Manager: Recruitment of volunteers Director of Education: Relationships with Funding Councils and Universities Relationships with overseas universities for research projects Solicitors: Contract support Research Team: Journal production Project management Administration Research budget Policy Managers: Research to support policy development Consultation responses Press Manager: Media relations Link to International Strategy
Colour palette for PowerPoint presentations Actuarial Bright Green R148 G166 B31 Actuarial Slate R32 G44 B52 * Secondary Olive Green R120 G162 B47 Secondary colour palette Primary colour palette Secondary Bottle Green R0 G147 B127 Secondary Turquoise R0 G138 B176 Secondary Aqua Blue R26 G160 B170 Secondary Pastel Green R126 G205 B195 Secondary Light Purple R123 G149 B174* Secondary Purple R97 G107 B156 Secondary Ecru R186 G163 B171 Secondary Yellow R215 G176 B18 Secondary Orange R213 G135 B43 Secondary Red R238 G52 B36 Secondary Rubine Red R226 G1 B119 *This colour reference is for screen presentations only Key Contacts at the Institute and Faculty Pauline Simpson, Research Project Manager Tel: Maria Lyons, Research and Learned Societies Team Leader Tel: Sarah Mathieson, Policy Manager Tel: © 2010 The Actuarial Profession
Colour palette for PowerPoint presentations Actuarial Bright Green R148 G166 B31 Actuarial Slate R32 G44 B52 * Secondary Olive Green R120 G162 B47 Secondary colour palette Primary colour palette Secondary Bottle Green R0 G147 B127 Secondary Turquoise R0 G138 B176 Secondary Aqua Blue R26 G160 B170 Secondary Pastel Green R126 G205 B195 Secondary Light Purple R123 G149 B174* Secondary Purple R97 G107 B156 Secondary Ecru R186 G163 B171 Secondary Yellow R215 G176 B18 Secondary Orange R213 G135 B43 Secondary Red R238 G52 B36 Secondary Rubine Red R226 G1 B119 *This colour reference is for screen presentations only Thank you Questions? 11 © 2010 The Actuarial Profession