DW WASH Cluster – Emergency training DW0 1 Disaster Waste in Emergencies Opening session
DW WASH Cluster – Emergency training DW0 2 Welcome & introductions House-keeping Aims of the course Timetable Ice breaker
DW WASH Cluster – Emergency training DW0 3 Aims of the Training Course To enable field practitioners to improve the timely handling of wastes arising from disasters with a specific emphasis on protecting public health and supporting early recovery It aims to improve knowledge on: Good practice & minimum standards Relevance of responses for different stages and contexts Linkages to rehabilitation/reconstruction phases as well as the local general waste management systems
DW WASH Cluster – Emergency training DW0 4 Timetable TimeNoModule / name Day (15 min)DW0Opening session 8.45 (1 hr 15 min)DW1What is Disaster Waste ? (55 min)DW2Handling Disaster Wastes (part 1) (15 min)Coffee break (50 min)DW2Handling Disaster Wastes (part 2) (45 min)DW3Case Studies (15 min)DW4Useful Resources 13.00Lunch