My Career Path B A De Souza BSc(Hons), MPhil, MBBS, FRCS(Eng ) Plastic Surgery Registrar
Born in Tanzania, East Africa Migrated to England in 1977 Senior school - O levels Changed schools - A levels Higher education college - repeat A levels
Biochemistry Chelsea College, University of London Trained in a biomedical science and trained to do research
Research Research Posts - Hammersmith – Prof Winston - Royal College of Surgeons – Mr Michael Glasby
Nerve Regeneration Department of Anatomy, Royal College of Surgeons of England Techniques learnt – microsurgery, histological techniques, photography, publishing Prof Ruth Bowden – past President of Medical Women’s Federation
Medical Career London Medical Schools St Bartholomew’s Medical School
House Jobs – Surgery at Bart’s – Prof Wood - Medicine at Whipp’s Cross – Prof M Partridge Demonstrating/A&E Royal Free Hospital Life Event/ Part I FRCS UCH/Middlesex Surgical Rotation - UCH, Basildon, Great Ormond Street Hospital
Maternity leave – 6mths Great Ormond Street Hospital, Plastic Surgery SHO Lister Hospital, Plastic Surgery SHO Maternity leave – 4mths
Flexible working scheme – Dr Ilfra Goldberg, Postgraduare Dean, London Deanery - Su-Anna Boddy. Flexible training Advisor, Royal college of Surgeons of England - Bart’s & The Royal London Hospital, Plastic Surgery Department
Pan-Thames Plastic Surgery Rotation – St Andrew’s Hospital, Chelmsford; Chelsea & Westminster Hospital; Bart’s & The London Hospital; Great Ormond Street Hospital WIST member 1998 Publish – did not intend to perish!!!
Opportunities in Surgery Committee Encouraging potential medical students - Medical Student Liaison Committee - Women in Surgical training - International medical graduates - Refugee doctors
Other Committees NHS Equality & Diversity Committee – based on work encouraging potential medical students Opportunities in Surgery Committee Cosmetic Interspecialty Group – based on work as to how patients choose their cosmetic surgeon BMA invited member Equal Opportunities Committee Committee
Medical Women’s Federation Joint Honorary Secretary – appointed Mar th Anniversary Co-opted on to Women in Surgery Committee (WinS)
Bad things about Mummy working Gets stressed sometimes Doesn’t come out with us always Sometimes overworks
Good things about Mummy working Earns money for our clubs and music lessons Tells us about the interesting people she met Stops her getting bored Finds great shows for the family to see
Sort out priorities Opportunities should be grabbed Friends in all places are important Try out and learn new skills OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS
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