Quantitative research key findings January 2013 FX Plus Childcare Survey 2012/13 Summary report
Woodlane Nursery General awareness of the nursery at Woodlane is very high, but slightly lower for those based at the Tremough campus and among University of Exeter staff. Of those aware and with children, only 19% ever use it, more so by those based at the Woodlane Campus. Childcare Survey 2012/13 Are you aware or unaware that there is currently a Nursery at Woodlane? / How often (if at all) do you use the Nursery at Woodlane?
Woodlane Nursery How would you rate your overall experience of the Nursery at Woodlane? / What's the primary reason you use the Nursery at Woodlane? / Why do you never use the Nursery at Woodlane? Childcare Survey 2012/13 Those that use the nursery Woodlane all rate it as a positive experience, with high opinions of the reputation, staff and environment. The main reasons for not using the nursery are due to distance from the workplace, namely those at the Tremough Campus. The staff are excellent. They ensure that the children are well cared for and have a good experience. It has an excellent reputation locally, it is very well run and the children are visibly happy there. Because it is the best Nursery in the area. The staff are creative and caring and the environment is homely. There are good nurseries much closer to campus. It takes a long time getting into/out of Falmouth Because we work at the Tremough campus and live in the opposite direction. It would add time to our journey home to go to Woodlane Because it's out of the way for me. I commute from Camborne so it would add extra time/mileage to my journey to go to Falmouth. I live outside Falmouth and it is not practical to drive all the way to Woodlane past Tremough and then round back.
Childcare at Tremough Campus If an on-site nursery for children aged 3 months to 5 was opened at the Tremough Campus, how often would you use it? Childcare Survey 2012/13 Interest in a nursery at Tremough campus is quite high, with 71% of respondents claiming that they would use it at least occasionally. Unsurprisingly, the biggest interest comes from those based at the Tremough campus, but 40% of University of Exeter staff convey that they would use this facility all the time. *Student base size very small
Childcare at Tremough Campus If an on-site nursery for children aged 3 months to 5 years was opened at the Tremough Campus, how often (if at all) would you use it? / If you could put your child/children in nursery on the Tremough Campus approximately how much time per day do you think you would save? Childcare Survey 2012/13 55% of those who would save an hour or more would use a nursery at Tremough if available, although 13% of this group still would not, and 71% of those who would save no time or take longer would not use it. The majority of respondents would use the nursery at least sometimes if saving 30 minutes or more BASE:
Childcare at Tremough Campus To what extent do you agree or disagree, with each of the following: Childcare Survey 2012/13 Not only would a nursery at the Tremough campus save a lot of the respondents a good deal of time, but around three quarters of them also agreed that it would allow them to work/study more effectively, improve their work-life balance and reduce stress.
Childcare at Tremough Campus Childcare Survey 2012/13 The possibility of after-school care for older children at the Tremough campus held appeal for at least 70% of respondents claiming they would use it occasionally or more frequently, higher among Tremough respondents. Interest in a Children’s Summer Club at the Tremough campus was the highest, with 85% of respondents claiming they would use this. This was primarily those based at Tremough, although 78% of those based at Woodlane said they would use this at least occasionally. If an after-school care for children aged 5 to 11 years old / a Children's Summer Club (e.g. childcare for children aged 5 to 11 years) was opened at the Tremough Campus, how often would you use it? *Student base size very small
Methodology All staff and students across the University of Exeter and Falmouth University campuses were invited to participate in this survey via a URL link to the survey sent out in a newsletter. The majority (76%) of respondents have at least one child aged 11 or under. Fieldwork took place for approximately five weeks, from 14 th December 2012 until 17 th January There were a total of 204 respondents; 92% were staff; 37% from Falmouth University, 44% from the University of Exeter and 19% from Falmouth Exeter Plus. Childcare Survey 2012/13
Further information Contact:Michelle Garrett-Martin (Market Research Officer) Childcare Survey 2012/13