Educational Attainment 2013
Foundation Stage 43%the percentage of children achieving a good level of development in East Sussex in %less than the national average (provisional) Key issues to be tackled at Foundation Stage are: - Prime Area of Communication and Language - Specific Area of Literacy - Specific Area of Maths
Key Stage 1 Attainment at Level 2 and above in all subjects for 2013 is higher than the previous year Level 2 or above Level 2b or above Level 3 or above However, proportions of pupils achieving Level 3 or above still below FFT B estimates
Key Stage 2 Level 4 and above 71% Reading, Writing and Maths combined (new measure) 85% Reading (1% decrease compared to 2012) 81% Writing (2% increase compared to 2012) 81% Maths (1% decrease compared to 2012) 25 primary schools BELOW current floor standard of 60% Key challenge for 2014 is Floor Standard increase to 65% Level 5 and above 18% Reading, Writing and Maths (1% above 2012 outturn) Reading increased by 1%, writing by 1% and maths remained static.
Key Stage 4 60% of pupils achieved 5+ A*-C including English & Maths. Represents a 2% increase compared to Proportion of pupils achieving 5+ A*-C increased by 1% to 82% Proportion achieving the English Baccalaureate increased by 2% to 18%