Welcome Developing Dementia Friendly Communities Workshop 2 Hosted by: George Rook & Sal Riding
The Story so Far Demography...Growing numbers of people with dementia growing numbers of carers Impact of dementia on NHS and social care budgets and capacity Lack of support for people with dementia, and will get worse Realisation that people with dementia can live well with their disease. HWB Board priority to make Shropshire dementia friendly CCG has a dementia steering group Prime minister's dementia challenge Call to action in to reduce the use of anti psychotic drugs for people with dementia
Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Friends programme Dementia awareness courses Dementia friends champions Dementia Action Alliance (Jeevan will discuss later) Dementia Friendly Community Recognition Programme
Small Changes, Big Differences – From the Alzheimer’s Society The following gives a list of ideas that many communities are putting into action to help create dementia friendly communities. Raise awareness and understanding of dementia amongst the whole community A dedicated ‘no hurry’ checkout lane in supermarkets. Individual arrangements with local shops, services etc. between owners and people with dementia/families/carers to support them to continue to enjoy daily/weekly/monthly activities, eg arranging for family/carer to pay for hairdressers, newspaper at end of the week. Having a nominated dementia champion within a company that can be the point of contact for staff (and costumers) on issues associated with dementia. Informing retailers about the use of chip and signature cards. Local branches of banks to go and give talks to local memory cafes about financial issues and what support the bank can offer, eg chip and signature cards. Local police to visit memory cafes to talk about community safety and support. Pharmacies to visit memory cafes to talk about what they offer as well as having a list of local support groups and information of where to get help on a notice board or in a folder, signage, accessibility.
Creating a Difference This is a "call to action". A call to address an intolerable situation, in which people with dementia are unable to live well and as they would like to. Move to the local, to the small achievable steps...what could we do to make life easier and happier and better for people with dementia and their carers?
Today We will learn: About progress since our last workshop How different organisations in Shropshire experience people with dementia and what they do What a Dementia Action Alliance is and how we can get involved We will discuss: How we can work together to create a Dementia Friendly Shropshire Do we want to create a coordinated approach? How do we do this? We will have an opportunity to create an action plan to take forward Finally we will learn about plans for the Dementia Awareness Week – May 18-25