Genetic Technologist – Rotation The Birmingham Experience
Why instigate a rotation? n n Historical practices not working. n n Ever increasing workload, samples & diseases. n n Required reduction in turnaround times (WP). n n New equipment purchased through WP. n n Increase in both scientist and technical staff. n Lead to training issues, rotation problems, competence problems and space issues. n Address high GT turnover
Historical perspective n Each GT assigned to a disease. n Disease workload not even. n Length of time on each disease could vary. n GT not gaining experience/competence. n High GT turnover, diseases left with no technical cover or anyone suitably trained. n Sickness/holiday stretched GT resources to the limit. n New GTs moved around to “plug gaps”!
Detrimental impact n Workloads not covered. n Increased reporting times. n Increased backlogs. n Increased stress, decreased morale. n High GT turnover. n How do we address these problems? n GT Rotation
Genetic Technologist Rotation n Workload cover n GT training n GT competence n CPD n Career progression n Decrease GT turnover? Hopefully!
Genetic Technologist Rotation n First implemented in January n Work by technique rather than disease. n Lab divided into 4 areas of similar technique. –Extractions –Fragment Analysis –Molecular Oncology –High-Throughput Mutation Screening n Each area split into 3 units of specific technique. n Each area will have MTO3 in charge of training & workloads.
GT Rotation – Original Plan
n GT will spend 3 months in each unit, thus rotating through the whole section in 3 years. n After 3 years rotation will return to beginning. n Inevitably more techniques/diseases taken on. n Increased automation, scope for new units. n Workloads in each unit will evolve over time. n Not all competences can be completed in just 3 months.
Unit workloads n Outline workloads for each unit and review associated competencies. n Define workloads that GTs are expected to achieve in a day or week. n Set achievable minimum levels for required workload. n Scope for personal development. n Also reviewing competencies to improve training. n Ensure all SOPs updated and correct.
Training n Poses huge training issues and commitment. n Initially, only 2 MTO3s in place. n Scientists on each disease will be responsible for training as required. n Continually monitor effectiveness.
Rotation Benefits n For the DNA section: –More MTOs trained on more techniques thus able to provide more cover –Holiday/sickness cover also provided by MTO3s –After 1 year 4 MTOs able to cover a unit –If MTO leaves new recruit will slot straight in n Turnaround times maintained n Cover available for increased workload
Rotation Benefits n For the MTOs: –More variety –More interesting –Clear objectives on each unit –More competences completed –Career progression –CPD –Happier and more fulfilled!
GT Rotation – Progress Review n Still in use, although undergone several modifications. n 3 month rotation, very optimistic. n Different GTs, different skills. n GTs have picked up more skills and more flexible in covering workload. n More variety in workload. n More competencies completed. n Career Progression – 3 more MTO3s.
GT Rotation – Progress Review n MTO3s greater responsibility for managing lab workload. n MTO3s provide nearly all the technical training to both GTs and CS trainees. n Remaining GTs are far more skilled than previous and adept at covering other units at short notice. n GTs more competent. n DON’T PLAN TOO FAR AHEAD
GT Rotation – Progress Review n Negative – still significantly high GT turnover, tend to have around 2-3/year on CS training scheme. n Salary difference, lack of official training/ education. n Still perceived as ‘stepping-stone’. n Ties in to future regulation and training of technical staff (see later).
Genetic Technologist Rotation