facebook Malthide Kschessinska to Nicholas II of Russia I am sorry that you died of assassination wounds to the head WallPhotosFlairBoxesNicholas IILogout View photos of Nicholas II (9) Send Nicholas II a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Russia Birthday: May 18, 1868 Religion: Russian Orthodox Hometown: Tsarskoye Selo Friends AlexanderGeorgeMichael King George V Mathilde Malthide Kschessinska to Nicholas II I am sorry that you died of assassination wounds to the head. July 17, 1918 John F. Kennedy failed to under take the allies because of loss of territory. There was massive casualties and confusion at home. February 1917 Japanese Emperor Meiji to Nicholas II ^^ BL0oDy September 5, 1905 Nicholas II Bloody Sunday occurred, and about 96 people died with 333 people injured. January 22, 1905 Nicholas II celebrated at a large festival that was held in Khodynka Field outside of Moscow. May 27, 1896 Nicholas II had a formal coronation in Uspensky Cathedral. May 26, 1896 Frederick
Personal Information facebook Malthide Kschessinska to Nicholas II of Russia I am sorry that you died of assassination wounds to the head WallPhotosFlairBoxesNicholas IILogout View photos of Nicholas (9) Send Nicholas II a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Location: Russia Birthday: May 29, 1917 Religion: Russian Orthodox Hometown: Tsarskoye Selo Photos Networks: Russia Sex: Male Birthday: May 18, 1868 Hometown: Tsarskoye Selo Relationship Status: Married to Alix of Hesse Religious Views: Russian Orthodox Children: Olga Nikolaevna, Tatiana Nikolavna, Maria Nikolaevna, Anastasia Nikolaevna, Alexei Nikolaevich Siblings: Alexander, George, Michael, Xenia, and Olga Activities: Hunting, enjoyed taking pictures of his family and posting them throughout the house, riding on his yacht Interests: Farming, Japanese traditional crafts, tattoos, traveling, photography, buying works of art, writing to friends, reading Favorite Music: Wagner, Tristan and Isolde was his favorite piece of music Collections: Stamps, shirt studs, jewelry, cufflinks, photographs Things he has lots of: Money-worth over $300 billion today, family members, faith Battles: Russo-Japanese War, Great War, World War I, Bloody Sunday The Family Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums Portraits Updated two months ago Contact Information Address: Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg Phone Number: ROCKHARDABS
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesNicholas IILogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Nicholas II 8 Photos Nicholas IIs Albums 2 Photo Albums The Family 1 photos Portraits 8 Photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Malthide Kschessinska to Nicholas II of Russia I am sorry that you died of assassination wounds to the head