MALSP II Overview Mobile Facility Logistics Review Group 20 May 2009


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Presentation transcript:

MALSP II Overview Mobile Facility Logistics Review Group 20 May 2009 Doug Steward AIR MALSP II Deputy Project Manager

Briefing Overview The Project – Why MALSP II? Legacy MALSP Aligning Logistics Support to Warfighter Rqmts Transformation from MALSP to MALSP II MALSP II in Action Transformation Alignment Transformation Strategy The Project Office – Roles & Construct Mission and Goals Transformation Methodologies Project Office Responsibilities Organizational Chart Integrated Product Teams Requirements & Analysis Assumptions MALSP II and MF Program Relationship POM-12 EFDS Gaps EDS Attributes EDS Application Mission Essential Task Impact Way Ahead

The Project Why MALSP II?

Legacy MALSP… Not integrated with changing warfighter requirements (i.e., Spectrum of Conflict and Range of Military Operations) …highly reactive…not agile…not easily scalable…large footprint. Operationally effective but logistically inefficient. Based on fixed allowances/operational scenarios and ‘iron mountain’ philosophy… discounts impact of time to replenish. Requires significant strategic lift and time for Reception, Staging, Onward-movement & Integration…difficult to reposition…vulnerable. Lacks IT integrated and interoperable solutions for logistics planning and real time logistics chain management. Conflicts with DOD mandates of reduce logistics footprint, enhance global logistics flexibility and agility, increase joint interoperability, and reduce TLCSM costs.

Aligning Logistics Support to Warfighter Rqmts MALSP I MV-22 (36) Train/Advise/Assist Relief Operations Nation-building Peace Enforcement Most Likely Show of Force Acts of Terrorism Frequency Noncombatant Evacuation Selective Strike Civil War Most Dangerous Limited War Major Combat Global War AVLOG Support for Full Range of Military Operations

Transformation from MALSP to MALSP II 3/25/2017 from this… Push highly-capable footprint forward …to this Forward Operating Base (FOB) Main Operating Base (MOB) T-AVB (TBD) Parent MALS (PMALS) Enroute Support Base (ESB) Dynamic, demand-pull logistics chain 6

MALSP II In Action

Transformation Alignment MALSP II FRCs NAVICP DLA OEM Proactive Focus Readiness in Garrison War-Time Capability Able to Surge Responsiveness Agility / Flexibility Core Capable Units E2E development is deeply integrated with MALSP II design An E2E optimized log chain is essential for MALSP II to achieve operational goals. While we’ve focused on the retail end, the bulk of effort lies in the wholesale/depot side. Closing RFT gaps AIRSpeed E2E Current Readiness

Transformation Strategy MALSP MALSP II (IOC) MALSP II (FOC) From This… Push System Days-of-usage depth Fixed-allowanced resource packages Large footprint “iron mountains” Reactive system Vulnerable to enemy action Limited Joint interoperability To This… And Eventually This… Operates in a net-enabled and leader-centric battle space Fully integrated with Sense & Respond and Autonomic Logistics Supports adaptive ops Enabled by robust IT and expert/intelligent agents Responsive, demand pull Flexible “time-buffer” depth Dynamic support packages Agile footprint, Proactive system Smaller, mobile, survivable Seamless and tailorable Enabled by IT and decision tools Highlights transformation from a “push” to a “pull” system. Leveraging TOC and a “demand-pull” system, MALSP II IOC creates a more responsive, flexible and agile logistics chain forward (i.e. ESB, MOB and FOB) back to the Parent MALS. MALSP II IOC will lay the foundation for a “sense and respond” logistics environment (MALSP II FOC). Not only will the logistics chain be fully aligned to all providers in the logistics enterprise i.e. OEM, DLA, FRCs, NAVICP etc, but will provide enhanced C2 to the warfighter in a net-centric battle space. Days of Supply Time to Reliably Replenish Speed/Quality of Effects Increased Performance Reduced Footprint Slide: 9 9

The Project Office Role and Construct

Mission and Goals Mission: HQMC’s agent to manage and develop capabilities for Marine Aviation Logistics Support Program II. Goal: IOC: Provide support to deployed core capable units at a higher level while decreasing deployed infrastructure and resource inventory to support the spectrum of conflict and developing concepts. FOC: Provide support to deployed and non-deployed core capable units at a higher level while decreasing total infrastructure and resource inventory to support the spectrum of conflict and developing concepts. We are committed to achieving Marine Aviation’s desired endstates! 2 MALSP

Transformation Methodologies Use the Theory of Constraints, Lean, and Six Sigma principles to transform the logistics chain from a heavy and reactive push system to an agile, flexible and responsive pull system that is aligned End-to-End, integrated with weapons systems acquisition, supports Current Readiness and the USMC’s Long War Concept. Use IT and other innovative technologies and practices to enhance performance and decision making while providing logistics support responsive to the commander’s intent, the rapidly changing operational environment, and the natural environment. Reach horizontally and vertically across the NAE, with joint partners to achieve synergistic realization of effects based logistics. Use best acquisition processes to provide timely solutions to the customer. Leveraging CPI & Innovative Technologies to enhance the Warfighter Slide: 12

Project Office Responsibilities HQMC’s agent to manage & develop capabilities for the Marine Aviation Logistics Support Program. Implement MALSP II support concept Requirements Analysis / System Architecting Oversee, quantify and document MALSP II requirements Functional area analysis Assist in development and documentation of “MALS Future” Project Management / Solutions development Development & testing of logistics concepts and emerging technologies Budget for unique MALSP II requirements Modeling and Simulation Develop an organic capability to model the MALSP II architecture, requirements analysis, provide analytical tools for logistics planning, and support develop of MALSP II unique training. Policy, doctrine, directive support Support rewrite/authoring of applicable concepts, doctrine, and policies.

Organizational Chart CDR, NAVAIRSYSCOM VADM Venlet Deputy Commandant For Aviation LtGen Trautman Asst Cdr for Logistics & Industrial Operations RDML Grosklags (AIR 6.0) Aviation Logistics Support Branch Col Franklin (ASL-1) AIR 6.0 Liaison Officer Col Pettigrew Dir, Industrial & Logistics Maintenance Planning / Sustainment Dept. SES Mr. Todd Mellon (AIR 6.7) CAPT Randle Strategic Plans LtCol Krekel (ASL-40) AVLOG TTF Dir, Maintenance & Supply Integration Division Mr. Ervin (AIR 6.7.2) CO, Marine Avn Det Col Tomassetti Performance Improvement Branch Head CDR Erb (AIR Project Manager, MALSP II LtCol Martin

Organizational Chart (cont’d) MALSP II and AIRSpeed USMC structure Notes: CWO-3 Willis currently dedicated to AIRSpeed: CR and E2E Capt Beyer currently working MALSP II. Have proposed dual hatting him with AIRSpeed billet to prep him to be an E2E TMS lead for summer 09. 4 Marines; 1 GS; 1.5 CSS

MALSP II Integrated Product Teams

Requirements Analysis & Development

Assumptions Current Mobile Facilities can not adequately support the full spectrum, scale and range of military operations as described by the Long War Concept, MC Vision and Strategy 2025 and Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) 2006. The need for new support packages, buffered logistics chains and a mandate to reduce footprint will significantly impact Mobile Facility Future. Specific changes include: Allowances scaled to support smaller det sizes. Maintenance forward as the exception not the rule. Increased support of prolonged and distributed operations. Transportation and distribution improvements (i.e., velocity). Global buffering/sourcing of all 10 ILS functions. New sea-basing requirements, e.g., MPF(F) and TAVB(R).

MALSP II and MF Program Relationship AIR collaborated with the MALSP II Project Office during POM 12 Expeditionary Force Development System (EFDS) Functional Area/Needs Analysis. These efforts focused on: Identifying capability gaps and solutions associated with future ACE/MAGTF requirements. Defining MALSP II Remote Expeditionary Support Package (RESP) containers. Although accomplished EFDS work remains valid, the scope of MALSP II has expanded to address other facility/container/shelter gaps. HQMC ASL via AIR 6.8 and WBB is sponsoring the development of a AvLog/MALSP II Family of Systems Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) that captures all MALSP II container/facility/shelter requirements under the title “Expeditionary Delivery Systems (EDS).” This ICD will serve as: An acquisitions requirements document from which Capability Development Documents (CDDs) can be created. A vision and strategy reference for MALSP II-related initiatives.

POM-12 EFDS Gaps Loss of capabilities if strategic lift is unavailable or inadequate. No standardized Type/Model/Series planning data. Effects deliberate planning. Currently no ability to disaggregate. Hampers initial operating capability (IOC). Loss of capabilities if strategic lift is unavailable or inadequate. Inability to support units smaller than squadron size. Current assets are inflexible for other than high end operations. Presently tactical lift cannot adequately perform mission. Inability to overcome environmental challenges and natural obstacles results in material deterioration and loss of capability.

EDS Attributes Capability: Stronger, lighter, flexible, and expeditionary ISO and Convention for Safe Containers (CSC) Certified Standardized throughout the Marine Corps Opportune lift capable (Strategic and Organic) Scalable and integrate with MALSP II concept of logistics Support multi-site operations Initial operational capability More agile Greater flexibility (distributive ops) Quicker response Right sized (footprint reduction) Flexibility required to fight the Long War vice the Cold war

EDS Application Containers – supports MALSP II RESP material (parts & equipment) storage and quick access in support of aviation maintenance and operations. Attributes include: Modular/scalable and durable design. Accommodates organic last tactical mile transport Moderate to significant environmental control. Shelters – Protective enclosures for personnel, parts equipment (e.g., aircraft and support equipment). Supports MALSP II RESP maintenance requirements in support of aviation maintenance and operations. Attributes include: Light, collapsible, and durable design. Provides limited to moderate environmental protection. Hybrid – Combines container and shelter capabilities and attributes. Ancillary - Items not currently included in the inventory for MFs, however, they are necessary for the successful movement, security and tracking of EDS. Examples include tie-down chains and RFID tags.

MALSP II Mission Essential Task Impact Provide support to deployed core capable units at a higher level while decreasing deployed infrastructure and resource inventory to support the spectrum of conflict and developing concepts. MET 2 Develop Buffers in Time Domain MET 1 Select Locations as Logistics Chain Nodes MET 3 Deploy Necessary Maintenance MET 4 Move Materials To and From Nodes MET 5 Sustain Logistics Chain & CPI IOC Goal MET 7 Align Resources and Change Policies MET 6 Provide Initial Basic Package Provide support to deployed and non-deployed core capable units at a higher level while decreasing total infrastructure and resource inventory to support the spectrum of conflict and developing concepts. MET D MALSP II is a Program of Record Notes from ASL-1 Meeting (7 Nov 08): “What are the measures of effectiveness?” – Improve Readiness while moving ‘less’ forward. At IOC we are looking to reduce the footprint forward At FOC we will look to reduce the entire global chain MET A Be capable of Operating from a Sea Base FOC Goal MET B Globally manage MALSP elements, i.e., Parts, People & Equipment, in Buffers/Time Domain MET C Achieve a Common Logistics Operating Picture (C-LOP)

Way Ahead Future solutions will require: Increased collaboration between the MALSP II PO and the MF PO to include: MF PO Subject Matter Expertise representation on MALSP II IPTs to assist in requirements analysis (i.e., DOTMLPF). A joint MALSP II/MF PO battle-rhythm. MF PO input on AvLog/MALSP II ICD Business Case Analysis (BCA) to weigh benefits of replacing/retaining some or all of the current MFs Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) to identify any existing or emerging solutions