School of Earth & Environment Welcome Learning outcomes – aims and objectives for Year 2 General advice on option choices Who to approach for advice Year 1, Semester 2 exams Year Abroad and Industrial Placement opportunities and procedures Feedback forms End of year meeting: Year 1
ALL THE FINE PRINT... All detailed info of dates for resits, Registration etc, follow this link: tes/endofyear.html
This talk will be available online! ear.html We will send you an so you can find it, if you don’t know your way around the school website pages Also at this same page, you will find a link to all the key dates for resits and dates for next year, the link is below: 0of%20year%20meeting%20guidance%20for%20studen ts.docx Finally, there is link on the page giving the date for hand in of your Portfolios, which is May 15 th from 10:30 -11:30 in the Student Support Office
Module choices and pre-enrolment: You have a choice of modules to make up the 120 that you take during the second year. The amount of choice varies between degree schemes: Geol Sci: 10 credits GG:check Geography website
Pathways within the GS program We now have 4 pathways through the GS degree program: Geology pathway Petroleum pathway Minerals pathway Environment Pathway BUT these apply only at level 3: You can choose any option in year 2
How do I choose a suitable module? By now you may know which areas of the subject interest you most. You may want your second year options to take your studies in a particular direction in year 3. You may also be thinking about an MSc course after your degree. Options give you the chance to prepare for a particular type of postgraduate course. There are no ‘compulsory’ modules for the Geology, Minerals and Environmental pathways, BUT ‘Gemstones’ compliments the minerals track well
SOEE 2580 Gemstones Dan Morgan Look at the mode of formation of many natural precious and semi-precious gemstones Discover the origins of colour in gemstones Learn how synthetic gemstones are made for jewellery and industry
See how features of gemstones can depend on their geological histories Learn how we can identify gemstones and crystals with both modern scientific techniques and with hands-on gemmological tools.
SOEE 2620 Explosive Volcanism Graham McLeod & Vern Manville A look at the processes of eruption and deposition of pyroclastic rocks and their subsequent reworking and resources The subject is not well covered in the degree elsewhere 7 lectures 2 practicals A weekend fieldtrip to the Scafell Pike Caldera in the Lakes! See details of the syllabus on the module catalogue here: sp?Y=201213&F=P&M=SOEE-2620
Which other option modules are there? Modules part of the Petroleum Engineering Degree: SOEE 2490 – Formation Evaluation SOEE 2500 – Petroleum Reservoir Engineering Less “Geological” options: SOEE 1301 – Intermediate Maths SOEE 1311 – Advanced Maths SOEE 2110 – Introductory Oceanography SOEE 2460 – Contaminated Land Studies Highly recommended that you check out the module catalogue for syllubus details for all of these before choosing!
Who do I ask for advice about option module choices? In the first instance your course convenor: GS:Graham McLeod/Rob Chapman GG:Jeff Peakall We may send you off to talk to specific module convenors if we don’t have the necessary detailed information to answer your query.
Exam information: 1 There are rules governing progression to Year 2: You need to pass 100 credits to progress Some Level 1 modules are labelled Pass For Progression (PFP). If you don’t pass either the 1 st attempt or the resits, you cannot progress to Year 2 of the course. GS PFP modules are the 80 credits of core modules: SOEE Computing and Data Analysis SOEE Geology 1 SOEE Geology 2 SOEE Geology Tutorials Students with Special Circumstances that have affected their studies must notify the School Office ASAP and not later than 18 th June
Next academic year School of Earth and Environment registration and compulsory start of year meetings will commence on FRIDAY 21st September You need to be in Leeds on this date NOT ON HOLIDAY!!
Year Abroad and Industrial Placement opportunities and procedures General enquiries for Year Abroad placement should be directed to Luisa Nanovo. General enquiries for Industrial Placement opportunities should be directed to Colin Pitts or Phil Murphy
Feedback forms Before we let you out of this room… … please complete the Year 1 review feedback forms. Consider acting as a representative on the School Student-Staff Committee.