BwD Health and Wellbeing Strategy 50+ Partnership Workshop 15 June 2012
Purpose Top level plan for all partners to work together to improve health and wellbeing for local people. Contribute to ambitions of Vision 2030 Key document of new Health and Wellbeing Board
What is it? Driven by the ISNA Review & Story of Place Focuses on integrating, remodelling and re-orientating NHS services, tackling the root causes of the inequality that is driving the poorer life chances of the borough’s citizens Requires a more integrated and transformational approach Focus on priority areas where we can make the most difference
Result Whole system approach with full involvement to make a difference Aim to integrate resources for key age- groups - children, adults at home, work and in leisure and older people Evidence shows it is the best way to address health inequalities
5 Principles for Delivery A shift to prevention / early intervention Working together Integration – seamless delivery / citizen focus Build on strengths / assets Good governance for health and wellbeing
5 programmes of whole system change & integration Give every child the best start in life Promote good employment for all Make leisure healthy Improve the quality of homes Promote independence and social inclusion in older age.
Where are we now ? Working through the detail of each programme to include a vision, series of evidence based priorities, actions and key outcome indicators Key people from across the Council and NHS working with a wider stakeholder group to co- produce each programme and ensure that they are aligned with other local plans and strategies