The roots of innovation Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) The roots of innovation Proactive initiative on:


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Presentation transcript:

The roots of innovation Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) The roots of innovation Proactive initiative on: Global Computing (GC) Proactive initiative on: Global Computing (GC)

The roots of innovation Global Computing Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Proactive initiative to be launched in the area of Global Computing: co-operation of autonomous and mobile entities in dynamic environments ( What is FET and What’s a proactive initiative?) See Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Proactive initiative to be launched in the area of Global Computing: co-operation of autonomous and mobile entities in dynamic environments ( What is FET and What’s a proactive initiative?) See

The roots of innovation What is FET? n To support research that is: –Visionary and exploratory –Longer term or high risk –A nursery of novel ideas - trend-setting n Pro-active –Areas strategic for the future n Open –no prescription n To support research that is: –Visionary and exploratory –Longer term or high risk –A nursery of novel ideas - trend-setting n Pro-active –Areas strategic for the future n Open –no prescription

The roots of innovation What is FET Open? n Widest possible spectrum n Proposals submitted at any time n Innovative work that could lead to breakthroughs or major advances: –Bold ideas involving high risks –Longer term research In practice, objectives are long term but results are surprisingly rapid n Widest possible spectrum n Proposals submitted at any time n Innovative work that could lead to breakthroughs or major advances: –Bold ideas involving high risks –Longer term research In practice, objectives are long term but results are surprisingly rapid

The roots of innovation

Global Computing Provisional Agenda n Oct Apr Workshops / Conferences Information days n Jan./Feb Call for proposals n Jan./Feb. - May/June 2001 Submission of proposals n June/July 2001 Evaluation n Aug. - Oct Negotiation of successful proposals n Jan Start of projects Start moving now !! n Oct Apr Workshops / Conferences Information days n Jan./Feb Call for proposals n Jan./Feb. - May/June 2001 Submission of proposals n June/July 2001 Evaluation n Aug. - Oct Negotiation of successful proposals n Jan Start of projects Start moving now !!

The roots of innovation Information desk n For further information: Leonardo Flores Añover n GC Web page (under construction): n For further information: Leonardo Flores Añover n GC Web page (under construction):