GV 506-week 7 1.Types of intrastate wars 2.Causes of intrastate wars 3.Are intrastate wars fundamentally different from interstate wars?
Types of Intrastate Conflict Internal Conflict Revolutions Civil War Ethnic/Religious Genocides Regime Transitions Are any differences between old and new intrastate wars? Position 1: differences in motivation, support, goals old wars: ideological (high-minded patriots), mass support, controlled violence and collective grievances new wars: criminal (private loot), no popular support, extreme violence Position 2: no qualitatively difference Locally based cleavages and networks, motivation at the group level (camaraderie, following leaders) Levels of violence have not changed; violence strategic and controlled
Causes of Intrastate Conflicts (1) Internal processes: modernization, development Collective disadvantages (grievances) Salience of ethnocultural identity—collective fear Weak states Viability of rebel organizations The impact of geography and history (poverty trap) Rough terrain Large populations-territorial concentration Pre-existing organizations Ethnic composition: Conditions under which it matters.
Factors that contribute to failed states Quasi states—failed states Transfer of military technology Groups with access to local provisions/resources Single commodity economy Long-term power struggles among political factions **Low levels of development and low state capacity** Is democratization the solution to the problem? If yes under what conditions?
International context of intrastate wars (2) Diffusion effects from neighboring countries Bad neighborhoods Bad neighbors Diasporas
Elites and Leaders The role of elites Ideological conflicts Power Struggles—opportunistic behavior Criminal Activities