? Curriculum & Option Consultation Evening Wednesday 29 th January 2014
Faculty Structure Assistant Principal (Leadership) Purpose Assistant Principal (Leadership) Self-Worth Assistant Principal (Leadership) Engagement Core Co-ordinator Co-ordinator Core Co-ordinator Co-ordinator Core Co-ordinator Co-ordinator Core Sub Co-ordinator Sub Co-ordinator Core Sub Co-ordinator Sub Co-ordinator Core Sub Co-ordinator Sub Co-ordinator Progress Leader Progress Leader Progress Leader Tutor Groups Tutor Groups Staff
Student Ties Purpose: Mrs Williams Engagement: Mrs Smith Self-Worth: Mr Beven
Pathway H Model Six periods of English Five periods of Maths Five periods of Science Three periods of PE Two periods of ICT or equivalent One period of SMSC Two options of four periods each and they are explained in the booklet 6 x English 5 x Maths 5 x Science 3 x PE 2 x ICT 1 x SMSC
? Understanding the data Art and Design4c5a5b C C/B English5c7c6a B A French4a6a6c B B Geography4a6a6c B B History4a6a6b B B/A ICT4a6a6c B B Maths4b6b7c C A Media4a6a5a B B KS3 Entry Level Baseline Target Working At Level End of Year 11 Target Grade Adjusted Y11 Target
Market Place – Middle Leaders