Section 5 - John Dunn Evaluation Schedule Grade Descriptors Achievement, Page 10 Achievement is likely to be inadequate if any of the following apply: Learning and progress in any key subject or key stage, including the sixth form, lead to underachievement (Our maths had been below national in the 3 years previously)
Observations Reluctant to do more than one paired observation due to time constraints feeding back to teachers and comparing notes with HT (HT CPD vs HT Audit trail)
SEF Only summary sheets required Tied closely to evaluation schedule and current RAISE Rolling reports made up the bulk of ours In the end all judgements were agreed with apart from behaviour (Marked up to good) See also Headteacher article
Data breakdown of groups beyond RAISE Groups = boys, girls, EAL, SEN, EU by Year group average points scores attainment average points scores progress over a year Be ready to extrapolate good progress data to the end of KS2 Day 2 Meeting first thing. Insist on evidence that shows your picture (3 levels of progress is outstanding RAISE p.)
Section 48 - Joe Ginty Diverging from section 5 Create more opportunities for informal prayer Ensure WTL objectives are unpacked more for better differentiation of task (Lots of book scrutiny compared to section 5)