Fox Covert Primary School - Our journey so far……
Context Single stream school P1-7 Roll of 213 HMIe Inspection February 2013
HMIe… Help children have a clearer understanding of their strengths and needs as learners. Continue to improve the curriculum, including approaches to assessment and monitoring of progress. Further engage parents in supporting their children’s learning.
Our journey…. Starting point Assessment framework in place as was part of L&T policy Target setting with pupils and parents Focus – Aifl Termly class newsletters outlining plan across 4 contexts Standardised testing throughout the school for Maths and English tracked and monitored Tracking and monitoring pupils progress through the CfE levels Additional assessments for identified pupils
HMIe Providing feedback that moves learners forward Clarifying, understanding and sharing learning intentions Activating students as learning resources for one another Activating students as owners of their own learning Engineering effective discussions, tasks and activities that elicit evidence of learning Our pupils, staff and parents are clear about what is to be learned and what success would be like Our classroom assessment involves high quality interactions, based on thoughtful questions, careful listening and reflective responses Our pupils and staff are given timely feedback about the quality of their work and how to make it better Our pupils and staff practise self- and peer-assessment This slide is adapted from a slide by HMI. It links the AiFL slide – Assessment For Learning side with the features that HMI highlight ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING HMIe leasachadhfoghlamnah-Alba Improving Scottish education Our pupils and staff are fully involved in deciding next steps in their learning and identifying who can help 6
HMIe… ‘Teachers are developing the way they assess children’s learning. We are confident that staff can build on this encouraging good start and gather reliable assessment information to continue to raise children’s attainment and achievement.’ HMIe
Our journey…. Where we are now? Leaflet for parents launched at CfE Information evening Developed target setting – meaningful and relevant Continue to develop Learning Intentions and differentiated Success Criteria Developed our pupil voice Opportunities for weekly reflections Learning discussions 1:1 with Class Teacher Planning floor books & Learning walls Planning for assessment at key points linked to significant aspects Ensuring that we have a variety of assessment strategies to provide us with a range of evidence – class tracker Evidence recorded in pupils folio jotters