HoDoMS conference March 041 Current priorities Higher Education Academy Post-14 Mathematics Inquiry
HoDoMS conference March 042 The Higher Education Academy will - Advise on policies and practices that impact on the student experience - Support curriculum and pedagogic development - Facilitate development and increase the professional standing of all staff in higher education "The student experience is the main function of higher education. We have to take that experience seriously - we need a national body to raise its standing." Leslie Wagner, Interim Chair of the Academy
HoDoMS conference March 043 Higher Education Academy – progress and changes Higher Education Academy now operational, and subject centres integrated on 1 May review of subject centres this year – any changes will only take effect from Jan 2006 we intend to continue taking our priorities from the discipline, ie meetings such as this
HoDoMS conference March 044 Professional Development Induction Course for new lecturers, September Distance Learning Course – for new and experienced lecturers in statistics, accredited by RSS and ILTHE development of similar materials in mathematics is one of our priorities, plus discussions on accreditation with LMS, IMA and HoDoMS an annual meeting to provide further CPD is being discussed with the Undergraduate Mathematics Teaching Conference
HoDoMS conference March 045 HEFCE Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning CETL bids due in from institutions by 23 April the Academy can support institutions in developing their bids through the LTSN subject centres and others 31 March event for those preparing maths-related bids – we have invited all those we know about but others are welcome
HoDoMS conference March 046 HEFCE requirements for external examiners HEFCE strategic plan includes reference to improved arrangements for the “development induction and training of external examiners within institutions and a national development programme from ” the Academy to have an external examiner support function from September 04 what MSOR-related support would be helpful?
HoDoMS conference March 047 Post-14 Maths Inquiry – recommendation 6.5 “seek ways to promote sustainable closer links between HEI maths departments and teachers in schools and colleges” working party between HoDoMS and our network already set up and considering some initial questions regarding links with schools:
HoDoMS conference March 048 Post-14 Maths Inquiry – links with schools z What links are there already between maths departments and teachers in schools? z What new links should be developed? z What other organisations should be involved in these discussions?
HoDoMS conference March 049 Post-14 Maths Inquiry – links with schools z Can we support schemes for involving undergraduates with schools for credit? z Should undergraduates be involved with CPD? z What resource is it reasonable to devote to these sort of activities?
HoDoMS conference March 0410 Post-14 Maths Inquiry – National Centre remit: “to provide expert advice, resources and information in support of the teaching of mathematics, and to oversee the funding for the development and dissemination of mathematics CPD provision at a strategic level and to coordinate its operation nationally” Compare timescale for the National Science Centre, to be established by the White Rose group of universities after a well-coordinated bid:
HoDoMS conference March 0411 Timescale for National Science Centre zSept 2002Development of resources zJuly 2003First module resources published Residential training meetings Evaluation planning zSept 2003Year 10 pilot begins zSept 2004Year 11 pilot begins zSept 2006QCA propose to introduce new Programme of Study for KS 4 21 st Century Science generally available
HoDoMS conference March 0412 Post-14 Maths Inquiry – national infrastructure Higher education is flagged up as a major stakeholder in the national infrastructure – maths departments need to be thinking ahead about a consortium bid either for the NCEMT or for one of a “network of Regional Mathematics Centres to encourage the formation of local communities of teachers of mathematics and relevant stakeholders across all phases, and to oversee and coordinate local delivery of CPD”
HoDoMS conference March 0413 Post-14 Maths Inquiry – your involvement Involvement on links with schools Involvement in the national infrastructure