Rhondda Housing Association Action for Change & Find Your Future projects
Action for Change 3 Year project to provide employment, training and volunteering opportunities. Project Achievements: The project supported 175 people. 130 to access training. 66 people secured employment or went to further education. 75 people gained valuable experience volunteering. And finally proud award winners.
The Process Individual, client centred approached, 16 week programme. Initial Assessments: Recording achievements and aspirations, identifying gaps in skills or experience and addressing barriers. Progress assessments: acknowledging current achievements, identifying further needs or barriers. *ensure participants acknowledge their achievement and progress. Exit Assessment: identifying achievement and future plans.
Partners RHA Contractors and local business – offering work experience and placements. Young Recruits Programme - Supporting small business who can offer employment. DWP – Job Centre. Local Training providers and employers offering bespoke training followed by guaranteed interviews.
Case Study ‘I had been unemployed for 7 months, applied for 74 jobs and had almost given up when I was put in touch with the Action for Change scheme. I am now a trainee plumbing engineer and planning on enrolling in college in September. I’m so pleased I got in contact with the project; I now feel supported and my confidence has increased’. Dan, 19.
Case Study ‘Before I had support from the Action of Change project I was a full time carer, I was sad, suffering with my nerves and had no social life. Now I’m not just learning but I have friends and even my family have noticed I’m much happier! I now wake up and have something to look forward to, something to talk about and I’m even completing a Diploma in IT. My whole life has changed because of the support of the project’. Janet, 52.
Participants Journey… This is a short film on our Action for Change project:
Learning from Action for Change For many, entering training or volunteering was too daunting. Participants needed more time and intense support to build confidence. More social events and informal meetings would initially appeal to them. Being part of a peer group was important. Having someone who has similar experience is useful.
Find Your Future Project Project remit: Participants will increase their confidence and self-esteem, supporting them to become involved with community life and wider society. Participants will be supported to improve their health and wellbeing and develop new skills. Participants will feel less isolated as a result of new community groups being set up. Participants can access a range of vocational training and volunteering opportunities.
The Process Personal Support. One to One home visits. Confidence building. Personal Development. Long term support. Peer Support groups. Local community groups set up. Opportunities to develop social skills. Explore health and well-being. Build new skills. Groups supported to become independent and sustainable.
The Process Employment and vocational skills. Support to access essential skills training. Support to access accredited training. Sourcing volunteering opportunities. Job Club - CV and application writing, interview preparation. Assistance through Business in Focus for those who have business and enterprise ideas.
Engagement & Monitoring Referrals through Housing Officers, Financial Inclusion team, partners and site/estate visits. Completion of initial assessment, identifying levels of confidence and self-esteem, social engagement and future aspirations. Slow process, one to one support until ready to engage with peer support group. Regular progress assessments.
Achievements to date: Engaged with 74 People. 38 with increased confidence and self esteem. 48 engaging more in community life and peer groups. * 3 Community groups, 1 job clubs set up & 1 interest group set up. 6 into employment. New Connections group received an Inspiring Learners Award with RCT Adult Education. 56 individuals completed soft skills and vocational training courses, total 140 opportunities. 8 Volunteering placements.
Case Study.
Participants Journey… This is a short film promoting our Find Your Future project:
Any Questions? For further information contact Simone on: Tel: