20 th Century Conflicts Writing Assignment – Building Support Check of Planning Part I Thesis and Topic Sentences Antithesis and Rebuttal (finish if necessary) Support from Readings, Teaching and Participation in Lessons Discussing Social Studies Perspectives Primary Source Documents
Beginning of Class Take out the Planning – Part I Worksheets and your homework Have them available to be checked off
Group Activity-Take turns doing the following Step 1 – Support/Evidence for your thesis Tell the group what factor you have chosen as the topic of your paper and what aspects of each conflict you have chosen as support for your thesis Then discuss the evidence (facts) you might use to support your thesis and arguments From text readings From preparing lessons for the class From the lessons taught by members of the class Step 2 – Social Studies Perspectives Then discuss with the group how the various social studies perspectives help illustrate how the factor you chose played a primary role in causing each of the three conflicts Step 3 – Primary Source Documents Then discuss with the group how the various primary source documents you brought might provide support for your arguments about each conflict Feel free to look at various documents during your discussion
Example Paper Please take the utensils provided and mark the paper as specified. DONT FREAK OUT, THERE IS NO LENGTH REQUIREMENT.
Primary Source Documents For directions on citing documents, follow the examples on the next PowerPoint.
Individual Work Using what you discussed in the group exercises, plan the support for your essay To help the process use the graphic organizer that has been passed out in class. If time remains in class after you have finished planning your support, you may begin writing the draft of your body paragraphs only. Check with Ms. H for computer space