● EDAQ meetings ● NUSTAR DAQ architecture ● AGATA ancillary detector interface ● Data rates, etc. HISPEC/DESPEC Electronics & Data Acquisition Department of Radiation Sciences Institutionen för kärn- och partikelfysik Department of Nuclear and Particle Physics Box 535 SE Uppsala Sweden HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, GSI, 21 February 2006 Johan Nyberg
NUSTAR EDAQ related meetings HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, GSI, 21 February 2006 Johan Nyberg ● NUSTAR/SPIRAL2 ASIC meeting, Daresbury, July 2005 ● FutureDAQ workshop, GSI, Oct 2005 ● FAIR Front End Electronic Workshop, GSI, Oct 2005
NUSTAR EDAQ related meetings HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, GSI, 21 February 2006 Johan Nyberg ● NUSTAR/SPIRAL2 EDAQ working group meeting, GSI, 27 Jan 2006: FEE and DAQ for FAIR and SPIRAL2 - looking for common ground, I. Lazarus, Daresbury Data GANIL, L. Olivier (hw), F. Saillant (sw), GANIL Possible Synergy NUSTAR-SPIRAL2 FEE Instrumentation, L. Pollacco, CEA Saclay A Concept: NUSTAR Slow Control, H.J. Wörtche, KVI Groningen The NUSTAR facility, H. Simon, GSI Next meeting at GANIL, 16 Jun 2006
NUSTAR-DAQ scope (a)“NUSTAR” DAQ systems: couple different standalone “NUSTAR” DAQ simply. foreseeing the necessary interconnects for triggers and control signals modularity of the system (local triggers / event buffer capabilities ) (i) the systems are synchronized with common trigger (ii) standalone DAQ systems synchronized via timestamps (b) Front-end electronics (FEE): For the common NUSTAR DAQ system, specific frontend electronics together with its digitization part is seen as part of the detector. Only the control, trigger and data flow will be specified as interface description by the common NUSTAR DAQ system. (c) Inhomogeneous DAQ systems: flexibility of the host (here the NUSTAR) DAQ system is mandatory integration efforts. Slide by H. Simon, GSI
RISING “why integration is needed”
Solution with new Time Stamp Module TITRIS (developer J. Hoffmann, GSI) All 3 sub-systems ( GE/VXI, FRS/CATE, HECTOR ) : - run as independent DAQ systems - are triggered independently - produce their own local dead time - provide time stamp for synchronization in all events Major Requirements of Time Stamp Module: - precision at least 100 ns - bin size 100 ns - 48 bit counter - provide synchronization over distances of at least 50 m between 3 TITRIS modules - VME module providing special daisy chained block transfer for the standard VXI readout Slide by H. Simon, GSI
Ge (2 x VXI) FRS / CATE Hector RESMANRESMAN STR8080STR8080 TIMINGTIMING VXI Event Builder LynxOS PC MVMECPUMVMECPU D2VBD2VB VME Time Ordering Data Logging Online Analysis LynxOS PC DT32 TCP Event Builder LynxOS PC RIO3RIO3 TRIGGERTRIGGER VME TIMINGTIMING TCP Event Builder LynxOS PC RIO3RIO3 TRIGGERTRIGGER VME TIMINGTIMING TCP All sub-systems inside the dashed boxes are able to run as independent MBS systems.
What should a common DAQ provide ? DAQ system: Generalized readout scheme for triggered and ‚triggerless‘ systems, FEE ‚templates‘ Framework Interoperability between experiments Event format Common Analysis Clients Taping/Mass Storage Slide by H. Simon, GSI
? FEE, FEC requirements … Synchronisation of standalone DAQ systems along the beam line Time distribution system (TDS) Firmware upload scheme Slow control Feedback loops Monitoring ! (Increasing complexity, no connectors, …) ? Slide by H. Simon, GSI
Schematic of a NUSTAR experiment Slide by I. Lazarus, CCLRC Daresbury
Flexibility from standard interfaces
Possible Synergy ● EXL & (R3B) – DSSD –.1/.5 mm pitch – Si(Li) – 20mm – CsI Calorimeter –. E.E+ToF+PSD – Beam Tracking (High E i ) ● DiSPEC & HiSPEC – DSSD – Recoil-Decay-Tagging – DE+DE+…+DE+E+? – Position: X & Y – Beam Tracking (Low E i ) ● SPAGA – DSSD –.5mm pitch – Si(Li) – 5mm – CsI Spectrometer –. E.E+ToF+PSD – Beam Tracking (Low E i ) ● MUSETT II – DSSD – Recoil-Decay-Tagging – DE(Gas).E+ToF – Position: X 1,2 & Y 1,2 Slide by L. Pollacco, CEA Saclay
Possible Synergy ● R3B – + ACTAR – + TPC ● R3B & EXL – Slow Neutrons ● HiSpec & R3B + AGATA ● ACTAR – +CsI – +DSSD ● SPAGA – Slow Neutron ● AGATA + SPAGA ● AZ4pi – DE.E+PSD+ToF ? Slide by L. Pollacco, CEA Saclay
AGAVA AGATA ANCILLARY VME ADAPTER Developed by the AGATA ancillary detector working group (Cracow, Padova, LNL, Daresbury, CEA Saclay, JYFL,...) – Interface between the ancillary detector electronics/acquisition and the AGATA GTS – Interaction with the AGATA trigger (GTS) keep relevant events reduces the AGATA / ancillary data flow – Provides the GTS event number and clock AGAVA can be used to connect AGATA to HISPEC! Based on slides by Ch. Theisen, CEA Saclay
The AGAVA interface How does it work ? GTSAncillary Trigger Request Val/Rej, Clock, Event Number Val/Rej : combination of ancillary/Agata : “master”, “slave”, “mixed” modes Latency times NOT A TRIGGER MODULE ! Slide by Ch. Theisen, CEA Saclay
Ancillary Front-end VME interface Trigger Request GTS supervisor AGATA Merge PSA Ancillary Merge DATA Pre-processing Agata prompt signal Ancillary Readout Clock counter Event Number Val/Rej Digitizer Tracking Data analysis The AGAVA interface Slide by Ch. Theisen, CEA Saclay
The AGAVA interface Modes – Common dead time – Parallel-like mode – Trigger-less (TDR) Readout – VME – VXI (Euroball-like) GTS Mezzanine I/O – Trigger request – Val/Rej; Busy – TDR Clock – Ethernet (also for mezzanine) Slide by Ch. Theisen, CEA Saclay Prototype ready summer 2006
Data rates: HISPEC HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, GSI, 21 February 2006 Johan Nyberg
Data rates: DESPEC HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, GSI, 21 February 2006 Johan Nyberg
Data rates: Beam tracking and target HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, GSI, 21 February 2006 Johan Nyberg
HISPEC/DESPEC Electronic LOGbook HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, GSI, 21 February 2006 Johan Nyberg
LoppuLoppu HISPEC/DESPEC meeting, GSI, 21 February 2006 Johan Nyberg
Ancillary Front-end VME interface Trigger Request GTS supervisor AGATA Merge PSA Ancillary Merge DATA Pre-processing Agata prompt signal Ancillary Readout Clock counter Event Number Val/Rej Digitizer Tracking Data analysis AGAVA - AGATA ANCILLARY VME ADAPTER ● Interface between the ancillary detector electronics/acquisition and the AGATA GTS ● Interaction with the AGATA trigger (GTS) ➔ keep relevant events ➔ reduces the AGATA/ancillary data flow ● Provides the GTS event number and clock ● Modes: ➔ Common dead time ➔ Parallel like mode ➔ Trigger-less mode (TDR) ● Readout: ➔ VME ➔ VXI (EUROBALL like) Developed by the AGATA ancillary detector working group (Cracow, Padova, LNL, Daresbury, CEA Saclay, JYFL,...) AGAVA can be used to connect AGATA to HISPEC! Based on slides by Ch. Theisen, CEA Saclay